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  • The Commander of the 31st Squadron congratulated the ship's crew for their work.

    The frigate F-105 ‘Cristóbal Colón’ completes its integration into NATO's Standing Naval Group No. 2

    The frigate F-105 ‘Cristóbal Colón’ completes its integration into NATO's Standing Naval Group No. 2


    In Ferrol

    More information
  • Recibimiento a bordo

    La fragata ‘Cristóbal Colón’ recibe la visita del Comandante de la Agrupación Naval Permanente nº2 de la OTAN

    La fragata ‘Cristóbal Colón’ recibe la visita del Comandante de la Agrupación Naval Permanente nº2 de la OTAN


    En el Mediterráneo

    More information
  • Buques de la SNMCMG-2 en formaciónSNMCMG-2 y SNMG-2 en formación

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ alcanza el ecuador de su despliegue en la Agrupación Permanente de Medidas Contra Minas nº 2 de la OTAN

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ alcanza el ecuador de su despliegue en la Agrupación Permanente de Medidas Contra Minas nº 2 de la OTAN


    En El Pireo, Grecia

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  • The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' sails under the NATO flag

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' is participating in the 'Neptune Strike' 24-2 enhanced surveillance activities

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' is participating in the 'Neptune Strike' 24-2 enhanced surveillance activities


    At the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Informe de capacidades

    The Combat Supply Vessel ‘Cantabria’ receives a visit from the NATO Commander of the NATO Standing Maritime Group No. 2

    The Combat Supply Vessel ‘Cantabria’ receives a visit from the NATO Commander of the NATO Standing Maritime Group No. 2


    At the Mediterranean Sea

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  • The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ makes bunkering at sea with the BAC ‘Cantabria’.

    Joint training exercises between Spanish and Italian navy ships

    Joint training exercises between Spanish and Italian navy ships


    In the Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Commander of the ship honours the fallen at Lepanto

    The minehunter M-36 ‘Tajo’ commemorates the 453rd anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto

    The minehunter M-36 ‘Tajo’ commemorates the 453rd anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto


    In Greece

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  • ‘Cristóbal Colón’ tracking the vessel ‘Almirante Gorshkov’

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ tracks and monitors the Russian frigate ‘Almirante Gorshkov’

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ tracks and monitors the Russian frigate ‘Almirante Gorshkov’


    In the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Naval formation during NUSRET-24

    The minehunter ‘Tajo’ took part in the international exercise ‘NUSRET 24’

    The minehunter ‘Tajo’ took part in the international exercise ‘NUSRET 24’


    In Izmir, Turkey

    More information
  • Reception on board of the Spanish Ambassador to Greece

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ receives on board the Spanish ambassador to Greece

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ receives on board the Spanish ambassador to Greece


    In Greece,

    More information
  • COMSNMG-2 boarding the F-105

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' begins its mission in NATO's operation 'Noble Shield'

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' begins its mission in NATO's operation 'Noble Shield'


    In Souda, Greece

    More information
  • Farewell ceremony for the frigate

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ will join the NATO’s Operation ‘Noble Shield’

    The frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ will join the NATO’s Operation ‘Noble Shield’


    At Sea

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  • The Partnership in Exercise Steadfast Defender 24

    Spanish command of NATO's Standing NATO Naval Group 1 ends

    Spanish command of NATO's Standing NATO Naval Group 1 ends


    At sea

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  • Minehunters ‘Segura’ performing simultaneous very light manoeuvres with two ships of the Agrupación, on the way to the area of operations.

    The minehunter M-36 ‘Segura’ took part in the international drill ‘Italian Minex 24’

    The minehunter M-36 ‘Segura’ took part in the international drill ‘Italian Minex 24’


    Cagliari, Itally

    More information
  • Segura' minehunters sailing with the Force

    The minehunter 'Segura' ends its participation in the multinational advanced drill 'Spanish Minex 24'

    The minehunter 'Segura' ends its participation in the multinational advanced drill 'Spanish Minex 24'


    In Palma de Mallorca

    More information
  • Reading of Penal Laws Ceremony

    The minehunter M-31 'Segura' celebrates twenty-five years of service.

    The minehunter M-31 'Segura' celebrates twenty-five years of service.


    In the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Minehunter M-31 'Segura' docked to its command vessel for fuel supply

    The minehunter M-31 'Segura' has participated in the international drill 'Olives Noires 24'.

    The minehunter M-31 'Segura' has participated in the international drill 'Olives Noires 24'.


    In Toulon, France.

    More information
  • CA Joaquín Ruiz Escagedo takes command

    Spain assumes command of NATO’S Standing Maritime Group 1

    Spain assumes command of NATO’S Standing Maritime Group 1


    Wilhelmshaven, Germany

    More information
  • The frigate sailing across Atlantic waters

    The frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' starts her integration into NATO's Standing Maritime Group 1

    The frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' starts her integration into NATO's Standing Maritime Group 1


    At sea

    More information
  • Rear Admiral Espósito arrives at the 'Méndez Núñez'.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' receives a visit from the Commander of SNMG2

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' receives a visit from the Commander of SNMG2


    In the Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' entering the Taranto Naval Base.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' stops in Taranto to attend the act of relief of the Chief of the Naval Grouping.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' stops in Taranto to attend the act of relief of the Chief of the Naval Grouping.


    Port of Taranto, Italy

    More information
  • Equipos de visita y registro

    La Fragata ‘Méndez Núñez’ y el Buque de Aprovisionamiento para el Combate ‘Patiño’ realizan ejercicios al sur de Italia

    La Fragata ‘Méndez Núñez’ y el Buque de Aprovisionamiento para el Combate ‘Patiño’ realizan ejercicios al sur de Italia


    Mediterráneo Central

    More information
  • Entry of the frigate 'Méndez Núñez' in Souda

    Frigate 'MENDEZ NUÑEZ' receives the visit of the Commander of NATO Permanent Naval Grouping #2 at Souda Naval Base

    Frigate 'MENDEZ NUÑEZ' receives the visit of the Commander of NATO Permanent Naval Grouping #2 at Souda Naval Base


    Souda, Greece

    More information
  • USS 'Gerald Ford'

    The frigate F-104 'MÉNDEZ NÚÑEZ' carries out training activities with the USS 'GERALD FORD' US Battle Group

    The frigate F-104 'MÉNDEZ NÚÑEZ' carries out training activities with the USS 'GERALD FORD' US Battle Group


    Mediterranean sea

    More information
  • Manoeuvre between the 'Juan Carlos I' and the 'Patiño'.

    The A-14 'Patiño' completes its 2700th resupply manoeuvre at sea

    The A-14 'Patiño' completes its 2700th resupply manoeuvre at sea


    In the Eastern Mediterranean

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  • Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' carrying out firing exercise

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' continues training as part of operation 'Noble Shield'.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' continues training as part of operation 'Noble Shield'.


    En el Mediterráneo

    More information
  • Divers from the Tambre minehunter

    The minehunter M-33 'Tambre' calls at the Italian port of Cagliari for exercise Dynamic Mariner

    The minehunter M-33 'Tambre' calls at the Italian port of Cagliari for exercise Dynamic Mariner


    In the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Entrance to the port of Istanbul, Türkiye

    The Frigate "Méndez Núñez" docks in the port of Istanbul and visits the Turkish Naval Military School

    The Frigate "Méndez Núñez" docks in the port of Istanbul and visits the Turkish Naval Military School


    En Estambul, Turquía

    More information
  • Provisioning manoeuvres

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' makes a provisioning at sea with the combat supply ship A-14 'Patiño'.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' makes a provisioning at sea with the combat supply ship A-14 'Patiño'.


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Tribute to the fallen at the Battle of Lepanto

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' docks in the port of Patras and commemorates the Battle of Lepanto with an act of tribute to the fallen

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' docks in the port of Patras and commemorates the Battle of Lepanto with an act of tribute to the fallen


    Gulf of Patras, Greece

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  • Frigate 'Méndez Núñez'.

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' calls at the port of Casablanca

    The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' calls at the port of Casablanca


    Casablanca, Morocco

    More information
  • Firefighting team of the minehunter 'Tambre'.

    The minehunter 'Tambre' will join Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 for three months.

    The minehunter 'Tambre' will join Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 for three months.



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  • Commander of the frigate salutes Commodore Stroude

    The Commander of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) embarks on frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’

    The Commander of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) embarks on frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’


    At the Mediterranean Sea

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  • The 'Álvaro de Bazán' during its integration into SNMG1

    The frigate F-101 'Álvaro de Bazán' completes its deployment in Operation Brilliant Shield

    The frigate F-101 'Álvaro de Bazán' completes its deployment in Operation Brilliant Shield



    More information
  • The frigate in the port of Riga

    The Navy vessel has made its final port call of its deployment in SNMG-1 at the Latvian capital.

    The Navy vessel has made its final port call of its deployment in SNMG-1 at the Latvian capital.


    In Riga, Latvia.

    More information
  • F-101 frigate in formation

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' finishes its participation in the high-level exercise 'BALTOPS 2023'

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' finishes its participation in the high-level exercise 'BALTOPS 2023'


    In the Baltic Sea

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  • Frigate “Alvaro de Bazán”




    En la mar

    More information
  • Press conference on board

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' (F-101) resumes maritime surveillance operations after calling at the Icelandic port of Reykjavík

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' (F-101) resumes maritime surveillance operations after calling at the Icelandic port of Reykjavík


    At sea

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  • Frigate aboard with ships of the Agrupation

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at the Norwegian harbour of Trondheim

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at the Norwegian harbour of Trondheim


    Trondheim, Norway

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  • Entering at port

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' docks and is berthed in Rotterdam

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' docks and is berthed in Rotterdam


    North Atlantic

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  • Crew at their stations

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' carries out an enhanced patrol in the Baltic Sea

    The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' carries out an enhanced patrol in the Baltic Sea


    Baltic Sea

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  • Training of crew

    The Frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at Copenhagen

    The Frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at Copenhagen



    More information
  • Helicopter in logistical tasks

    The frigate 'Álvaro De Bazan' concludes its participation in the exercise Joint Warrior 23-1

    The frigate 'Álvaro De Bazan' concludes its participation in the exercise Joint Warrior 23-1


    Norwegian Sea

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  • Frigate 'Alvaro de Bazán' in parallel 66º 33'44'N

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ crosses the Artic Circle

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ crosses the Artic Circle


    Artic Circle

    More information
  • ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ Frigate

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ will be integrated in SNMG1

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ will be integrated in SNMG1


    At sea

    More information
  • COMSNMG-2 onboard

    Commander of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 visits the 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105)

    Commander of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 visits the 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105)


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • The ambassador on board the frigate

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' visited by the Spanish ambassador to Croatia

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' visited by the Spanish ambassador to Croatia


    Split, Croacia.

    More information
  • Arrival of Commander of SNMG-2

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' finishes its participation in the exercise 'Dynamic Guard 22-II'.

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' finishes its participation in the exercise 'Dynamic Guard 22-II'.


    Mediterranean Sea.

    More information
  • The 'Duero' with the French minehunter 'Capricorne'.

    The minehunter 'Duero' (F-35) completes its integration in Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group

    The minehunter 'Duero' (F-35) completes its integration in Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group



    More information
  • Operations Meeting

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' begins its participation in the exercise 'NIRIIS-22'.

    The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' begins its participation in the exercise 'NIRIIS-22'.


    Souda, Grecia

    More information
  • The 'Cristóbal Colón' next to the aircraft carrier G.H.W. Bush

    The 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105) took part in the 'Neptune Strike 22-2' exercise

    The 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105) took part in the 'Neptune Strike 22-2' exercise


    In the Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ sailing under the NATO flag

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' joins the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 as the Spanish contribution

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' joins the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 as the Spanish contribution


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • The 'Cristobal Colon' in the port of Taranto

    The frigate 'Cristobal Colon' (F-105) begins its participation in the exercise 'Mare Aperto 22-2'

    The frigate 'Cristobal Colon' (F-105) begins its participation in the exercise 'Mare Aperto 22-2'


    In Taranto, Italia

    More information
  • Spanish ambassador welcome

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' welcomes the Spanish ambassador to Greece on board

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' welcomes the Spanish ambassador to Greece on board


    In Piraeus, Greece

    More information
  • Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' and vessel 'Spetsai'

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' conducts a maritime collaboration with the Greek frigate 'Spetsai'

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' conducts a maritime collaboration with the Greek frigate 'Spetsai'


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' sets course to Souda Naval Base

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' joins NATO's Operation 'Noble Shield'

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' joins NATO's Operation 'Noble Shield'


    Souda, Greece

    More information
  • The frigate sailing in the Mediterranean

    Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' starts its deployment within Standing NATO Maritime Group 2

    Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' starts its deployment within Standing NATO Maritime Group 2


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • BAM Meteoro while deployed

    Offshore patrol vessel 'Meteoro' completes its deployment as commanding ship of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Maritime Group

    Offshore patrol vessel 'Meteoro' completes its deployment as commanding ship of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Maritime Group


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Frigate 'Blas de Lezo' and a Canadian plane

    Vessels 'Blas de Lezo' and 'Cantabria' return to Ferrol

    Vessels 'Blas de Lezo' and 'Cantabria' return to Ferrol


    In Ferrol (A Coruña)

    More information
  • Preparation of oil supply maneuver at sea

    Frigate 'Blas de Lezo' and AOR 'Cantabria' will call at the port of Malaga

    Frigate 'Blas de Lezo' and AOR 'Cantabria' will call at the port of Malaga


    Western Mediterranean

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  • The 'Meteoro', commanding ship of the SNMCMG-2

    Standing NATO mine countermeasures group two commemorates the 40th anniversary of Spain's entry into NATO

    Standing NATO mine countermeasures group two commemorates the 40th anniversary of Spain's entry into NATO


    En la mar

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  • Approach manoeuvre of the BAC 'Cantabria'.

    The AOR 'Cantabria' shows its versatility in NATO Standing Maritime Group.

    The AOR 'Cantabria' shows its versatility in NATO Standing Maritime Group.


    In the Mediterranean

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  • Cantabria's bridge

    ESPS 'Cantabria' joins NATO's naval forces in the Mediterranean

    ESPS 'Cantabria' joins NATO's naval forces in the Mediterranean


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • BAM  'Meteoro'

    Spanish Armed Forces to continue leading NATO's countermine mission with vessel 'Meteoro'

    Spanish Armed Forces to continue leading NATO's countermine mission with vessel 'Meteoro'


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Units participating in Joint Warrior 21-02

    Frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón ends its deployment with Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG-1)

    Frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón ends its deployment with Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG-1)


    North Sea

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  • Mine hunter's crew

    Spanish mine hunter 'Segura' joins Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2

    Spanish mine hunter 'Segura' joins Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2


    Aegean Sea

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  • Ambassador during his visit to the bridge

    Spanish warship "Rayo" hosts the Spanish Ambassador to Turkey while in Istanbul

    Spanish warship "Rayo" hosts the Spanish Ambassador to Turkey while in Istanbul


    In Turkey

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  • The frigate docked in the port of Greenock (Scotland)

    Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' begins deployment within the NATO Standing Naval Group 1

    Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' begins deployment within the NATO Standing Naval Group 1


    At sea

    More information
  • Vessels of SNMCMG-2 and Maltese Navy during PASSEX

    Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 conducts a Passing Exercise (PASSEX) with the Armed Forces of Malta

    Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 conducts a Passing Exercise (PASSEX) with the Armed Forces of Malta


    Republic of Malta

    More information
  • SNMCMG-2 and Israel personnel

    NATO'S SNMCMG-2 visits the port of Haifa

    NATO'S SNMCMG-2 visits the port of Haifa


    Haifa, Israel

    More information
  • Group picture

    Spanish Navy's 'Rayo' welcomes Spain's Ambassador to Israel during his stay in Haifa

    Spanish Navy's 'Rayo' welcomes Spain's Ambassador to Israel during his stay in Haifa


    Haifa, Israel

    More information
  • OPV 'Rayo' in Cartagena

    Offshore patrol vessel 'Rayo' leaves the port of Cartagena as SNMCMG-2 flagship

    Offshore patrol vessel 'Rayo' leaves the port of Cartagena as SNMCMG-2 flagship


    Cartagena, Spain

    More information
  • Frigate Méndez Núñez

    NATO Standing Naval Forces take over in Cartagena

    NATO Standing Naval Forces take over in Cartagena


    Cartagena, Spain

    More information
  • Release of flares

    Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' completes its last patrol as SNMG-2 flagship

    Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' completes its last patrol as SNMG-2 flagship


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • SNMCMG-2 grouping

    Tajo minehunter's deployment within NATO's Standing Standing Maritime Mine Action Group No. 2 (SNMCMG-2) comes to an end

    Tajo minehunter's deployment within NATO's Standing Standing Maritime Mine Action Group No. 2 (SNMCMG-2) comes to an end


    Mahón (Spain)

    More information
  • An helicopter flying next to the Spanish frigate

    Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' completes exercise PHIBEX-21 along with the Italian Navy

    Frigate 'Méndez Núñez' completes exercise PHIBEX-21 along with the Italian Navy


    Central Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • SNMG2's Commander boarding the vessel

    Spanish frigate 'Méndez Núñez' takes over from the 'Cristóbal Colón' as SNMG-2 flagship

    Spanish frigate 'Méndez Núñez' takes over from the 'Cristóbal Colón' as SNMG-2 flagship


    Constanza, Romania

    More information
  • SNMG2 units including three submarines in DYMA21

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' takes part in exercise Dynamic Manta 2021

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' takes part in exercise Dynamic Manta 2021


    At sea

    More information
  • NATO vessels docked at the Port of Tuzla

    Minehunter ‘Tajo’ is integrated into Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2

    Minehunter ‘Tajo’ is integrated into Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2


    Tuzla, (Turkey)

    More information
  • The spanish Ambassador boarding the vessel

    Frigate 'Cristobal Colon' hosts on board the Spanish Ambassador to Israel

    Frigate 'Cristobal Colon' hosts on board the Spanish Ambassador to Israel


    At sea

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  • SNMG2 Flagship

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' contributes to maintaining peace and security in the Mediterranean

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' contributes to maintaining peace and security in the Mediterranean


    Eastern Mediterranean

    More information
  • View from frigate's command post

    Spanish frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ sets off to resume its integration within NATO’s permanent naval group (SNMG-2)

    Spanish frigate ‘Cristóbal Colón’ sets off to resume its integration within NATO’s permanent naval group (SNMG-2)


    Ferrol, Spain

    More information
  • The frigate during its mission

    Spanish Frigate 'Cristobal Colón' returns home for Christmas

    Spanish Frigate 'Cristobal Colón' returns home for Christmas


    Ferrol, Spain

    More information
  • Frigate 'Cristobal Colón' within SNMG-2

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' takes part in exercise ZEST 20

    Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' takes part in exercise ZEST 20


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Vessel “Patiño” completes its integration into the Standing NATO Maritime 2

    Vessel “Patiño” completes its integration into the Standing NATO Maritime 2

    Vessel “Patiño” completes its integration into the Standing NATO Maritime 2


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • BAC

    Vessel “Patiño” sets off from the port of Souda along with the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2

    Vessel “Patiño” sets off from the port of Souda along with the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • Both Frigates docked

    Spanish Frigate “Cristobal Colón” joins Standing NATO Maritime Group 2

    Spanish Frigate “Cristobal Colón” joins Standing NATO Maritime Group 2


    Souda, Greece

    More information
  • The crew from 'Duero' recovers a training device

    Minehunter ‘Duero’ completes its integration into the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group Two (SNMCMG-2)

    Minehunter ‘Duero’ completes its integration into the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group Two (SNMCMG-2)


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • Deployment during the exercise

    NATO's Dynamic Guard exercise concludes in waters near Cartagena

    NATO's Dynamic Guard exercise concludes in waters near Cartagena


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • Frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán'

    Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 arrives in Cartagena

    Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 arrives in Cartagena


    Mediterranean Sea

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  • Spanish vessels on the Mediterranean Sea

    Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 docks in Mahon

    Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 docks in Mahon


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Minehunters “Duero” next to “Segura” and the Italian “Alghero”

    Spanish minehunter “Duero” discovers an explosive device off the coast of France

    Spanish minehunter “Duero” discovers an explosive device off the coast of France


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Oil in the sea between the

    “Patiño” vessel joins the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2

    “Patiño” vessel joins the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2


    Mediterranean Sea

    More information
  • Replenishment between minehunters “Duero” and “Segura” at sea

    Minehunter “Duero” joins the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two

    Minehunter “Duero” joins the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two


    Toulon, France

    More information
  • Frigate F-101

    Frigate F-101 "Álvaro de Bazán" trains at sea during its deployment as NATO’s SNMG2 command ship

    Frigate F-101 "Álvaro de Bazán" trains at sea during its deployment as NATO’s SNMG2 command ship


    More information
  • NATO´s SNMG2 Command Ship arrives in Rota Naval Base

    NATO´s SNMG2 Command Ship arrives in Rota Naval Base

    NATO´s SNMG2 Command Ship arrives in Rota Naval Base


    Rota, (Spain)

    More information
  • Mine-hunter “Tambre” returns to Spain  after being deployed within the SNMCMG-2

    Mine-hunter “Tambre” returns to Spain after being deployed within the SNMCMG-2

    Mine-hunter “Tambre” returns to Spain after being deployed within the SNMCMG-2


    Cartagena, Spain

    More information
  • Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ supports 'USS Porter' on a medical evacuation

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ supports 'USS Porter' on a medical evacuation

    Frigate ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ supports 'USS Porter' on a medical evacuation


    Black Sea

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  • The ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ frigate takes part in exercises with allied countries in the Black Sea

    The ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ frigate takes part in exercises with allied countries in the Black Sea

    The ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ frigate takes part in exercises with allied countries in the Black Sea


    Black Sea

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  • NATO’s Standing Naval Group 2 (SNMG2), HOTO ceremony has taken place in Rota

    NATO’s Standing Naval Group 2 (SNMG2), HOTO ceremony has taken place in Rota

    NATO’s Standing Naval Group 2 (SNMG2), HOTO ceremony has taken place in Rota


    Rota, Spain

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  • El 'Tambre' inicia su integración en la Agrupación Permanente de Medidas Contraminas n° 2 de la OTAN




    Salamina (Greece)

    More information
  • Mine hunter 'Tambre' sets off to join NATO's  Standing Maritime Group

    Mine hunter 'Tambre' sets off to join NATO's Standing Maritime Group

    Mine hunter 'Tambre' sets off to join NATO's Standing Maritime Group


    Cartagena, Spain

    More information
  • El BAC Patiño finaliza su participación en la Agrupación Naval de la OTAN nº 2

    El BAC Patiño finaliza su participación en la Agrupación Naval de la OTAN nº 2

    El BAC Patiño finaliza su participación en la Agrupación Naval de la OTAN nº 2


    En el Mar Mediterráneo

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  • El ‘Patiño’ recibe al helicóptero canadiense Ch148 Cyclone

    El ‘Patiño’ recibe al helicóptero canadiense Ch148 Cyclone

    El ‘Patiño’ recibe al helicóptero canadiense Ch148 Cyclone


    En el Mediterráneo

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  • The Unit Trozo de Visita y Registro of 'Patiño' performs NATO advanced training in Crete

    The Unit Trozo de Visita y Registro of 'Patiño' performs NATO advanced training in Crete

    The Unit Trozo de Visita y Registro of 'Patiño' performs NATO advanced training in Crete


    In Souda, Crete

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  • La fragata “Blas de Lezo” finaliza su integración en la agrupación permanente de la OTAN SNMG2

    La fragata “Blas de Lezo” finaliza su integración en la agrupación permanente de la OTAN SNMG2

    La fragata “Blas de Lezo” finaliza su integración en la agrupación permanente de la OTAN SNMG2


    En el Mediterráneo

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  • The helicopter “Morsa” 07 executes a firing exercise with the unmanned vehicle HammerHead from the Royal Canadian Navy

    The helicopter “Morsa” 07 executes a firing exercise with the unmanned vehicle HammerHead from the Royal Canadian Navy

    The helicopter “Morsa” 07 executes a firing exercise with the unmanned vehicle HammerHead from the Royal Canadian Navy


    In the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Acto de homenaje a los caídos

    Celebración del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas en la mar

    Celebración del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas en la mar


    En la mar

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  • El cazaminas `Tajo´ se pone a prueba en el ejercicio multinacional ITA MINEX-19

    El cazaminas `Tajo´ se pone a prueba en el ejercicio multinacional ITA MINEX-19

    El cazaminas `Tajo´ se pone a prueba en el ejercicio multinacional ITA MINEX-19


    El buque español se encuentra en su última semana de integración en la Agrupación Naval Cazaminas de la OTAN (SNMCMG-2)

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  • La fragata ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ culmina su participación en el ejercicio ‘Formidable Shield 19’

    La fragata ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ culmina su participación en el ejercicio ‘Formidable Shield 19’

    La fragata ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ culmina su participación en el ejercicio ‘Formidable Shield 19’


    El buque español ha cerrado su participación en el ejercicio con el lanzamiento de un misil superficie-aire de corto alcance ESSM

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  • El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa ‘Italian Minex-19’ en Catania

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa ‘Italian Minex-19’ en Catania

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa ‘Italian Minex-19’ en Catania


    La SNMCMG-2, donde está integrada el buque de la Armada, se dirige a Italia tras finalizar con éxito el ‘Spanish Minex-19’.

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  • Los buques cazaminas de la OTAN se encuentran en la mar con el ‘Tornado’ español

    Los buques cazaminas de la OTAN se encuentran en la mar con el ‘Tornado’ español

    Los buques cazaminas de la OTAN se encuentran en la mar con el ‘Tornado’ español


    La Agrupación Naval Permanente de Cazaminas (SNMCMG-2) de la Alianza, formada por el FGS ‘Werra’ alemán y el cazaminas ‘Tajo’, participará con el ‘Tornado’ en el próximo ejercicio ‘Spanish Minex-19’

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  • El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ hace escala en Sevilla integrada en la Agrupación Naval de Medidas Contraminas de la OTAN

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ hace escala en Sevilla integrada en la Agrupación Naval de Medidas Contraminas de la OTAN

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ hace escala en Sevilla integrada en la Agrupación Naval de Medidas Contraminas de la OTAN


    El buque español ha atracado en el muelle de las Delicias junto al buque de mando alemán FGS ‘Werra’

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  • El ‘Tajo’ llega al ecuador de su despliegue en la Agrupación de Cazaminas de la OTAN

    El ‘Tajo’ llega al ecuador de su despliegue en la Agrupación de Cazaminas de la OTAN

    El ‘Tajo’ llega al ecuador de su despliegue en la Agrupación de Cazaminas de la OTAN


    Durante este mes y medio, el cazaminas español ha participado en dos ejercicios de ámbito internacional y ha recorrido cerca de 5.000 millas náuticas

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  • El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa en el ejercicio ‘Poseidon 2019’ de la OTAN

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa en el ejercicio ‘Poseidon 2019’ de la OTAN

    El cazaminas ‘Tajo’ participa en el ejercicio ‘Poseidon 2019’ de la OTAN


    El buque, integrado en la SNMCMG-2, desarrolló las maniobras en un antiguo campo minado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cerca de la costa rumana

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  • La fragata “Santa María” recibe un abastecimiento en la mar del buque alemán “Bonn”

    La fragata “Santa María” recibe un abastecimiento en la mar del buque alemán “Bonn”

    La fragata “Santa María” recibe un abastecimiento en la mar del buque alemán “Bonn”


    La fragata está integrada en la Agrupación Naval de la OTAN nº 2 (SNMG2) desde el 2 de febrero.

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  • La fragata ‘Santa María’ recibe la visita del comandante de la SNMG-2

    La fragata ‘Santa María’ recibe la visita del comandante de la SNMG-2

    La fragata ‘Santa María’ recibe la visita del comandante de la SNMG-2


    El comodoro Boudewijn Boots, de la Marina de los Países Bajos, acudió por primera vez al buque español, desplegado en Agrupación Naval Permanente de la OTAN nº 2

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