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The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at the Norwegian harbour of Trondheim

Trondheim, Norway
April 25, 2023
  • The Navy ship has spent 4 days preparing, alongside other naval units, to take part in the 'Dynamic Mongoose 2023' drill

The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' has put to sea after 4 days in the Norwegian port of Trondheim. During its stay in port, the ship's crew has attended the coordination meetings of the 'Dynamic Mongoose 2023' drill, organised by NATO, and focused on the training of anti-submarine warfare systems.

These meetings were joined by the other vessels of the NATO Standing Naval Grouping No. 1 (SNMG-1), which is fully involved in the exercise and is composed of 5 ships: the German frigate 'Mecklenburg Vorpommern', the Polish frigate 'General Kosciuszko', the Portuguese frigate 'Bartolomeu Dias', the Dutch frigate 'Van Amstel' and the 'Álvaro de Bazán'. The Norwegian frigate 'Fridtjof Nansen', which docked alongside the 'Álvaro de Bazán' and, like the Spanish frigate, is the first of its class and was built at the Navantia shipyard in Ferrol, also took part in the meetings.

Also during its stay in port, the ship held a press conference on board in which the Commander of NATO Submarine Command, Rear Admiral Stephen Mack, and the Commander of the NATO Standing Naval Grouping No. 1 (COMSNMG-1), Rear Admiral Thorsten Marx, described the characteristics of the exercise. During these briefing sessions, and after the press conference, the media had the opportunity to interview the Commander of the 'Álvaro de Bazán', who explained the capabilities of the Spanish frigate and how they contribute to achieving the objectives of the exercise.

The 'Álvaro de Bazán' is taking part in this exercise as part of the NATO Standing Naval Grouping No. 1 (SNMG-1), in which it has been integrated since mid-February, and which is participating fully in the exercise.

During the exercise, the Spanish ship, with its SH-60B helicopter on board, will put its anti-submarine warfare procedures into practice jointly and in combination with the other participating units.

Likewise, given the specific set of capabilities of the 'Álvaro de Bazán', the Spanish frigate has been given the responsibility of coordinating the air defence of all the units involved in the exercise.
