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The frigate F-104 'MÉNDEZ NÚÑEZ' carries out training activities with the USS 'GERALD FORD' US Battle Group

Mediterranean sea
November 12, 2023
  • The Spanish vessel is interacting with this combat group to improve interoperability and increase training with US Navy units as part of operation 'Noble Shield'.

The frigate "Méndez Núñez" is carrying out advanced training activities with the USS 'Gerald Ford' Battle Group in waters of the eastern Mediterranean. They are implementing common procedures in different areas in order to increase interoperability and thereby enhance joint capabilities.

Spain is demonstrating its commitment to NATO and the Atlantic Alliance's Maritime Rapid Reaction Force (VJTF-M), in which the frigate is engaged. It participates in deterrence, contributing to security in the area, as part of Operation Noble Shield.

The frigate 'Méndez Núñez' has carried out an anti-aircraft defence exercise together with the rest of the Combat Group, made up of 4 US ships: the USS 'Paul Ignatius', the USS 'Ramage', the USS 'Bulkeley', the USS 'Gerald Ford' and the US Navy's F/A 18 Hornet.

It also carried out a personnel exchange with the USS 'Normandy', which served to share experiences and knowledge. In addition, flight operations were carried out to familiarise both crews and pilots with the helicopters and platforms of the other Navy respectively. The SH60B helicopter from the frigate 'Méndez Núñez' took on the US aircraft carrier and an MH60R helicopter interacted with the frigate 'Méndez Núñez'.
