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Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' welcomes the Spanish ambassador to Greece on board

In Piraeus, Greece
September 22, 2022
  • Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105) welcomed the Spanish ambassador to Greece on board , Carles María Casajuana Palet, during his technical stopover at the port of Piraeus (Greece).

Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105) welcomed the Spanish ambassador to Greece on board , Carles María Casajuana Palet, during his technical stopover at the port of Piraeus (Greece).

Upon arrival, the ambassador was welcomed with official honors. Afterwards, he made a visit to the ship where the capabilities and missions of the frigate were presented, as well as the most important milestones during its deployment in the operation 'Noble Shield'. Upon completion, the ambassador signed the ship's Book of Honor.

Frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' is now part of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG-2), within the framework of the 'Noble Shield' mission, deployed in the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea.

SNMG-2 is a NATO’s standing maritime group in which naval and air units of the different allies are integrated. The function of the Group is to provide the Atlantic Alliance with an immediate operational reaction capability in naval scenarios.

During its deployment, frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' contributes to operations by providing a high air defense and detection capability. Its staff is made up of 224 men and women, they have an Operational Security Team (Marine Corps’) and a SH-60B helicopter Embarked Air Unit by an.
