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The minehunter M-31 'Segura' celebrates twenty-five years of service.

In the Mediterranean Sea
April 30, 2024
  • It is currently integrated into the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group (SNMCMG-2).

The minehunter 'Segura' was launched on 25 July 1997 and delivered to the Navy on 27 April 1999, completing 25 years of uninterrupted service to Spain and the Navy. 

During all these years it has sailed more than 100,000 nautical miles, equivalent to a total of 4 circumnavigations of the world. It has visited 14 countries and more than 50 national and foreign ports. 

It has been integrated into various international naval groupings, such as the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR), the previous NATO groupings that have passed during its years of service, and in the current SNMCMG-2, with which it is currently on its fifth deployment. 

Moreover, it has carried out 22 "Route Sourvey" missions providing the necessary security and cleaning of the entrance channels of our national ports. 

On the occasion of its anniversary, the 'Segura' has celebrated in Mediterranean waters an act of Reading of Penal Laws with awarding of decorations. All the generations of sailors who have served on board have been remembered and the current crew has been encouraged to follow in the trail they left behind and to give the best of each one in order to maintain the name of Spain and the vessel to which they belong. 

The minehunter 'Segura' will be integrated into the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group No. 2 in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea until 10 June.
