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The frigate F-104 'Méndez Núñez' receives a visit from the Commander of SNMG2

In the Mediterranean Sea
December 11, 2023
  • The Spanish ship is part of SNMG2, which is participating in the 'Noble Shield' operation.

The frigate 'Méndez Núñez' (F-104) is sailing in the eastern Mediterranean together with the new command ship of NATO's Permanent Naval Grouping 2, the Italian frigate 'Carlo Bergamini'.

The Navy ship was visited on board by COMSNMG2, Italian Rear Admiral Pasquale Esposito, who was able to see first-hand the capabilities available on the F-104 at NATO's service during operation 'Noble Shield'.

The commander of the 'Méndez Nuñez' explained the capabilities and intentions of the unit until the end of the deployment. Rear Admiral Esposito returned to the frigate 'Bergamini' aboard the Spanish organic helicopter, SH60B. During its last period of deployment, the Spanish frigate is set to patrol the central and eastern Mediterranean accompanied by the command ship 'Carlo Bergamini' and the Greek vessel 'Nikiforos Fokas'.
