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The 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105) took part in the 'Neptune Strike 22-2' exercise

In the Mediterranean Sea
October 31, 2022
  • The Spanish frigate is part of NATO's Permanent Naval Group 2

The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón', together with the rest of the ships of the NATO Standing Naval Groups 2 (SNMG-2) has taken part in the 'Neptune Strike 22-2' exercise. This is a multi-domain naval exercise organised by the 'Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO' (STRIKFORNATO) which took place in the Mediterranean Sea. The purpose of the exercise is to test the ability to integrate the capabilities offered by an aircraft carrier battle group for the defence of the Atlantic Alliance. To this end, the US aircraft carrier 'G.H.W. Bush' and the rest of its carrier group, 'G.H.W. Bush' and the rest of its battle group currently deployed in the Mediterranean Sea are now under NATO command.

During the exercise, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was on board the 'G.H.W. Bush' to follow NATO's activities.

There was also maritime collaboration with units of the Royal Navy's Littoral Response Group. This group of British naval units is made up of the destroyer 'HMS Defender' and the amphibious ships 'HMS Albion', 'RFA Argus' and 'RFA Mounts Bay'. During the integration days, advanced exercises are conducted with aircraft from the 'G.H.W. Bush' Battle Group, as well as boarding exercises, non-cooperative boarding and communications exercises.

At the end of this collaboration, both naval groupings rejoined the activities of the 'G.H.W. Bush' Battle Group to continue the activities of the 'Neptune Strike 22-2'. In addition, during the exercise, part of the Spanish crew paid a visit to the aircraft carrier 'G.H.W Bush', during which they were able to see air operations from its flight deck.

SNMG-2 is a permanent NATO maritime grouping comprising naval and air units from the various allies. SNMG-2's role is to provide NATO with a rapid reaction force in naval scenarios. .

During its integration, the 'Cristobal Colon' contributes to operations by providing a high air defence and detection capability thanks to its AEGIS combat system and SPY-1D(V) multifunction radar. It is manned by 226 men and women, with an Operational Security Team (Marine Infantry) and an Embarked Air Unit with an SH-60B helicopter.
