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The Frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' calls at Copenhagen

March 27, 2023
  • The frigate F-101 has been docked at the port of the Danish capital where it has taken part in logistics and presence activities

The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' has called at Copenhagen port together with the Polish navy frigate ORP 'General Tadeusz Kosciuszko'.


During this stay, the Navy ship received on board the Spanish ambassador to Denmark, María Victoria González Román, accompanied by the consul Laura García Gómez. The ambassador was received with honours and had the opportunity to visit the frigate and to receive a presentation on the capabilities of the ship and the mission entrusted to it as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG-1) and to form part of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.

A reception was held on board. It was attended by the ambassador and various civilian and military authorities, including the 17 ambassadors of NATO countries and the ambassador of Ukraine. Members of the crew of the Polish frigate 'G. T. Kosciuszko' and the British frigate HMS 'Somerset' were also present. The reception was held in the ship's hangar.

The frigate, integrated in the SNMG-1 under the commander of the Operations Command, is sailing in the Danish straits together with the ORP 'G. T. Kosciuszko' performing both presence and enhanced surveillance activities, as well as completing its operational training program in the Baltic Sea area.


The frigate 'Álvaro de Bazán' has a crew of 221 men and women, including an embarked air unit, an operational security team belonging to the Security Unit of the Marine Corps Brigade-Tercio de Armada and a Chaplain.
