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The minehunter 'Segura' ends its participation in the multinational advanced drill 'Spanish Minex 24'

In Palma de Mallorca
May 13, 2024
  • The exercise was led by the Navy in the waters of the Balearic Islands.

The minehunter 'Segura' has participated in the multinational advanced mine warfare exercise 'Spanish Minex 24' integrated within the NATO Standing Counter Mine Action Grouping No. 2 (SNMCMG-2). The exercise was led by the Navy's Countermine Measures Force (CMMF) and involved ships, EOD teams and autonomous underwater vehicles from the navies of the United States, Italy, Türkiye, Greece, France, Belgium and other international organisations such as the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR).

The main objective has been to train the participating units in the planning and execution of countermine operations in coastal waters and mined harbour entrances, with the aim of enabling freedom of navigation and freedom of action from sea to land for a Naval Force.

Moreover, all this under a medium-level hybrid asymmetric threat with a demanding tactical scenario, causing a high level of demand and reaction from the participating forces.

In the two weeks of the drill, the minehunter 'Segura' has detected and identified a total of 11 mines, demonstrating a high level of training and being one of the best performing minehunters.

The fight against naval mines is vital to allow free navigation and ensure control of the sea for the rest of the force. This factor highlights the importance of minehunters, which are essential for carrying out other naval operations, and demonstrates that they are a key and irreplaceable means of achieving mission success.

By participating in this type of drill and integrating the Segura minehunter into NATO's Permanent Grouping, Spain is, one more time, demonstrating its responsibility for world peace and security and its firm commitment to its allies and the international organisations to which it belongs.
