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Commander of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 visits the 'Cristóbal Colón' (F-105)

Mediterranean Sea
December 12, 2022
  • The frigate is conducting surveillance in the western Mediterranean together with other units of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG-2)

The frigate 'Cristobal Colon' (F-105) received the visit of the Commander of SNMG-2, US Navy Admiral Michael Scott Sciretta. The ship is currently carrying out surveillance activities in the Western Mediterranean together with other ships of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG-2), under the national operational control of the Operations Command.

The SH60R helicopter from the DDG USS 'Forrest Sherman' landed on the flight deck with COMSNMG-2 on board, accompanied by the Commander of his flagship. During his stay, the Admiral learned about the experiences of the sailors under his command during their deployment within the NATO naval group.

Admiral Sciretta addressed the crew. COMSNMG-2 highlighted their professionalism, efficiency and reliability during the three months of integration into SNMG-2. He also stressed the importance of the mission carried out by TG 441.02, which focuses on deterrence and monitoring of maritime activity, vital to ensure the security of NATO countries. He ended his speech by wishing the ship a safe transit back to Spain.

The SNMG-2 is a standing maritime group of the Alliance in which naval and air units from the different allied countries are integrated. Its function is to provide NATO with an immediate operational reaction capability in naval scenarios.

During its integration, the 'Cristóbal Colón' will contribute to operations by providing an important air defence and detection capacity based on its AEGIS combat system and the SPY-1D (V) multi function radar. Its crew is made up of 226 men and women, including a Marine Corps Security Operational Team and the Embarked Air Unit of an SH-60B helicopter, and a military chaplain.
