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Mine-hunter “Tambre” returns to Spain after being deployed within the SNMCMG-2

Cartagena, Spain
August 7, 2020
  • The vessel returns to its home port of Cartagena after 63 days integrated within NATO's SNMCMG-2

The mine-hunter "Tambre" (M-33) has returned to the Port of Cartagena after a month and a half integrated within the NATO's Permanent Grouping of Measures against Mines nº2 (SNMCMG-2). Upon his arrival, he has been welcomed by the Commander of the Mine Action Force, Captain Miguel Cuartero, following all protocols against the COVID-19 pandemic.

After 63 days of integration, the mine-hunter "Tambre" has sailed more than 5,500 nautical miles, crossing from west to east the Mediterranean and Black Seas; keeping the NATO and Spanish naval presence in all areas of common interest.

During its deployment, the "Tambre" has taken part in the international ARIADNE-20 exercise organized by the Greek Navy in the waters of the Gulf of Patras and in the advanced BREEZE-20 exercises of the Bulgarian Navy in the Black Sea, where it met the Spanish frigate "Álvaro de Bazán" (F-101), the current command ship of the SNMG-2.

In addition, the 'Tambre' has been sailing along with the Italian mine hunter "Gaeta" and the Turkish vessel "Amasra" and the Greek command ship "Aliakmon", as well as the Romanian mine dragger "LT Lupu Dinescu", for 20 days.

The opportunity to have been integrated during this time with other warships in the grouping has been very useful for crew training purposes and aso for sharing procedures on mine warfare.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is remarkable that no one from the crew has got infected during the navigation, after following all national and international health protocols against the disease.
