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The Unit Trozo de Visita y Registro of 'Patiño' performs NATO advanced training in Crete

In Souda, Crete
November 26, 2019

·       The Combat Supply Ship is deployed in the Mediterranean Sea as part of NATO Permanent Naval Group 2 (SNMG-2).

The Unit Trozo de Visita y Registro (TVR) of the Combat Supply Ship "Patiño" has carried out a military training at the NMIOTC (NATO Maritime Interdiction Operations Training Centre) of the Souda Naval Base, on the Crete Island, during the deployment at the NATO Permanent Naval Group 2 (SNMG-2).

On the morning of November 24, the Commander of the Centre welcomed participants from the different countries involved, including Greece, Italy and Israel, to the NIRIIS 19 exercises, which will end on November 29.

During the training phase, theoretical-practical courses focused on MIOs were conducted, followed by training with tactical sessions, techniques and procedures (TTPs) based on the TVR missions in different ships, drawing particular attention to techniques of local registration, movements for external and internal decks and procedures for possible IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).

The practical phase was carried out in a ship specially prepared for the "Register" training, in the port of the Souda Naval Base, with the equipment fully enlisted and personnel equipped, being advised by the instructors, thanks to the joint experience acquired during the last years.

The day concluded with the return to the Operational Training Center once their director said goodbye, a family photo and delivery of the certificate verifying the training performed on the 'Patiño' Combat Supply Ship.
