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The minehunter M-36 ‘Segura’ took part in the international drill ‘Italian Minex 24’

Cagliari, Itally
May 27, 2024
  • The Italian Navy organises the international mine warfare exercise ‘Italian Minex 24’ in the waters off Corsica and Sardinia.

The minehunter ‘Segura’ has participated in the mine warfare drill ‘Italian Minex 24’ as part of the NATO Standing Counter Mine Action Grouping No. 2 (SNMCMG-2). The exercise, led by the Italian Navy, involved ships, EOD teams and autonomous underwater vehicles from the navies of Italy, Türkiye, France, Greece and other international organisations such as the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR).

This drill was conducted as part of the ‘Mare Aperto/Polaris 24’ drill, which simulated a crisis scenario leading to a NATO Article 5 operation, including, in addition to the threat of mine warfare, a multi-threat environment in a high-intensity conflict.

The participating Countermine Measures Force has carried out the mission of clearing the coastline to enable control of the sea and free navigation for other naval units, securing the area to allow the Amphibious Force to enter on land.

During the two weeks, the minehunters have faced a situation with orinque, bottom and low profile mines, putting into practice the current and experimental procedures, means and techniques for the fight against this type of threat, exchanging experiences and knowledge. During the hunting operations in the Bay of Cagliari, the minehunter ‘Segura’ has detected 15 historic mines from the Second World War. This location has been notified to the Italian Navy authorities, helping to prevent possible accidents and environmental damage, promoting a safer environment for fishermen, commercial vessels and tourist activities in the area.

The fight against naval mines is vital to allow free navigation and ensure control of the sea for the rest of the force. This factor highlights the importance of minehunters, which are fundamental to the rest of naval operations, and demonstrates that they are a key and irreplaceable means of achieving mission success.

By participating in this type of drill and integrating the Segura minehunter into NATO's Permanent Grouping, Spain is once again demonstrating its responsibility for world peace and security and its firm commitment to its allies and the international organisations to which it belongs.
