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Ejercicio de tiro
La Unidad de Formación de Combate de la cuarta rotación de la Operación EUMAM-UA finaliza su primer ciclo de instrucción a personal ucraniano
Militares italianos y españoles al inicio del ejercicio
‘Mediterranean Shooting’, ejercicio conjunto entre España e Italia en Letonia
P-73 'Vigia'
Enhanced Surveillance and Deterrence to coincide with NATO Summit in Washington
Farewell from Detachment personnel
Partial redeployment of personnel from Tactical Air Detachment 'Marfil'.


El AJEMA acompaña al Presidente del Tribunal Constitucional durante el izado
Acto de Izado Solemne de Bandera con motivo del XLIV Aniversario de la constitución del Tribunal Constitucional
Shooters during the competition
Participation of the Spanish precision shooter team in the 'Sniper Fest'.
 SACEUR hands over the ARF script to Lieutenant General D'Addario
Joint Special Operations Command begins its period of readiness in the Allied Reaction Force.
Spanish observers with the Mission Force Commander of EUTM Mozambique
EU mission in Mozambique changes its focus and name
Practical weapons training
'Tercio de Armada' starts a new training module for members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Aviones y cazas en entrenamiento
The 'Plus Ultra' group, from the 'Pacific Skies 24' deployment, is now ready to begin the 'Arctic Defender' exercise.

August 21st - Navy

September 18th - Guardia Civil

October 2nd - Military Emergency Unit (UME)

November 20th - Air and Space Force

December 6th - Navy

Next flag raisings
More information
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