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Bandera Nacional en el mástil de la Plaza de Colón

Ordinary and solemn flag-raising ceremonies

Izado de Bandera Conjunto

The hoisting of the flag is held on the third Wednesday of every month, on a regular basis, in the Jardines del Descubrimiento in Madrid's Plaza de Colón.

The ceremony is organised, in rotation, between the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Civil Guard. In addition, in October, the week before National Day, the hoisting of the flag is organised by the Military Emergency Unit.

It is common to count on the attendance of veterans of our Armed Forces, who unconditionally show their disposition to participate in these events.

It is also held on four special occasions a year and is known as the "solemn hoisting":

- The first of these is on May 15th, on the feast of Saint Isidore. It is commanded by the Chief of Defence, who is accompanied by the Mayor of Madrid.

- The second is on June 19th, the anniversary of the coronation of H.M. the King, and is co-chaired by the President of the General Council of the Judiciary and the President of the Supreme Court.

- The third, on July 12th, which coincides with the anniversary of the date on which the Constitutional Court came into office, is presided over by the President of the Constitutional Court.

- The last of the year is held on December 6th, the day of the Spanish Constitution, and is co-chaired by the presidents of the Congress and the Senate.

The flag is 294 square metres (21 x 14) and weighs 35 kg. It was first raised in 2001, when the previous 21-metre mast was replaced by the current 50-metre mast. The mast has a rotating head that turns to face the same direction as the wind, preventing the flag from wrapping around the flagpole, which weighs almost 20 tonnes and is fixed to a footing resting on four pillars in the Colón square underground car park.

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