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The Maritime Action Ship "Furor" calls at the port of Luanda during its deployment

In Luanda
March 27, 2024
  • The Maritime Action Ship (BAM in Spanish) "Furor" has carried out military cooperation, defense diplomacy and socio-cultural activities

The Maritime Action Ship 'Furor', deployed in the Gulf of Guinea, has called at the port of Luanda (Angola) for a week, which has been carried out an intense program of activities.

The ship's staff has received on board the Spanish ambassador in Luanda, Manuel María Lejarreta Lobo, to whom the personnel have paid tribute with a 'salute to the voice'.

Furthermore, different military cooperation activities have been carried out with Angolan Navy personnel, such as theoretical and practical diving activities, boarding operations (MIO), underwater capabilities, maritime surveillance operations through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), as well as propulsion control capabilities regarding engine maintenance and the application of the Integrated System for the Platform Control (SICP). These activities, in addition to strengthening Spain's ties with the country, ensure greater maritime security by increasing the capabilities of coastal states to deal with threats in the area.

Regarding Defense Diplomacy activities, the commander and other ship's staff have attended different protocol visits of maritime security entities with different authorities, such as the Port Captain, Admiral of the Angolan Navy, the Commander of the Operational Naval Squadron or the Angolan MOC. The crew takes advantage of these events to get to know each other and establish relationships based on mutual trust, allowing an increase in international maritime security.

A reception was also hosted on board the vessel, attended by 130 people, including numerous international civilian and military authorities, such as the Angolan Chief of Defense, Angolan government ministers, numerous ambassadors and defense attachés from different countries. The meeting began with a solemn flag lowering ceremony on the flight deck.

During the stopover in Luanda, the ship's crew also had the opportunity to make cultural visits, including visits to the Military History Museum, the Dr. Agostinho Neto Memorial and the Mint.

Sports event with “LaLiga”.

There were also sporting events, such as the one held on board the ship in collaboration with LaLiga, which was attended by Edmundo Endje, LaLiga's delegate in Angola, and Carlos "KALÍ" Alonso, a charismatic former local footballer and idol of the youngsters because he was the legendary captain of the Angola national football team in the 2006 World Cup. Another notable presence was the Spanish football professor and former Catalan youth football coordinator Toni Cortés, current technical director of AFA (Angola Football Academy), a project created by former president José Eduardo Dos Santos in 2013, which has managed to train young talents from poor families, some of whom are already playing for major European clubs.

On the other hand, the Angolan Navy's football team called on personnel from the crew to take part in an indoor football competition. These activities bring together both navies and support the state's external action in cultural and sporting aspects.

CMP-GoG deployment.

During the planned deployment period of almost four and a half months, the ship will remain integrated into the Armed Forces' operational structure, under the Operations Command, in a mission led by the Maritime Operations Command (MOM).

The main tasks assigned to this deployment are to carry out surveillance tasks and analysis of the maritime environment to enhance security in the region, to promote military cooperation with coastal nations to promote mutual trust and understanding, to support diplomatic delegations as part of defence diplomacy strategies, to contribute to strengthening the European Union's Maritime Presence Coordination initiative, ensuring an effective presence in the area and addressing security challenges, as well as to actively participate in multinational military exercises to improve operational capabilities and interoperability.

The Maritime Action Force (FAM in Spanish), which is part of the Fleet, consists of all units whose main function is to prepare to protect international maritime interests and to exercise control over maritime spaces of national sovereignty and interest. This force has the comprehensive responsibility of ensuring continuous cooperation with the various Administration agencies that have competencies in the maritime domain. This represents the Navy's contribution to the State's action at sea, addressing the challenges and responsibilities in this area in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.

The Maritime Operational Command is the body within the operational structure of the Armed Forces, subordinate to the Chief of Defence and responsible, at his level, for planning, conducting and monitoring permanent surveillance and security operations in maritime areas of sovereignty, responsibility and national interest. It is under the command of the Admiral for Maritime Action, H.E. Victoriano Gilabert Agote, and it is based in Cartagena.

Operations Presence, Surveillance and Deterrence are an effective tool for maintaining surveillance of sovereign spaces, allowing early detection of threats and facilitating an immediate and viable response to a potential crisis.

The Land, Maritime and Aerospace Operational Commands (MOT, MOM and MOA in Spanish) and the newly created Cyberspace (MOC in Spanish) make up the Permanent Command structure.

Every day, around 3,000 personnel from the Armed Forces are involved in permanent operations, under the operational control of the MOPS.
