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Head Diplomacy and Cooperative security activities

EU Coordinated Maritime Presences

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The Gulf of Guinea is a vast and diverse region stretching from Senegal to Angola, including approximately 6,000km of coastline. For the last decade, piracy, armed robbery at sea, illegal fishing, smuggling and trafficking, environmental degradation and security at ports have emerged as major threats to maritime security and ultimately to the economic development of the entire region.

In 2014, the EU adopted an EU Strategy for the Gulf of Guinea, in line with the objectives of the 'Yaoundé Process' – the inter-regional commitment between the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) as well as the Gulf of Guinea Commission (GGC) signed at the Yaoundé Heads of State Summit (June 2013) to tackle maritime crime in its widest sense. The EU Action Plan 2015-2020 was consecutively launched to guide the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Gulf of Guinea. It is to be noted that a joint staff working document on elements for an update of the strategy is under preparation to reflect the evolution of threats.

As part of the EU's comprehensive approach to West and Central Africa,  a set of Programmes and Projects focused on capacity building, funded through the instrument contributing to Security and Peace (IcSP) and the European Development Fund (EDF) are geared towards implementing the Strategy for the Gulf of Guinea and its rolling Action Plan. At the same time, since early 2021, the EU Coordinated Maritime Presences (CMP) has boosted the collective engagement by enhancing coordination of the existing Member States naval and air assets present in specific areas at a voluntary basis to increase the EU’s capacity to act as a reliable partner and maritime security provider in the region.

 As foreseen in the Action Plan, the EU promotes and develops regular contacts and exchanges with the countries and the regional organisations, thus contributing to the development of regional maritime strategies.

The EU Gulf of Guinea Strategy and Action Plan | EEAS (

  • Spanish Mission

In recent years, several cooperation activities have been developed on the African continent within the framework of Defence Diplomacy and as a contribution of the Armed Forces to the State's external action.

These initiatives have been reflected in the deployments of naval units that carry out maritime security and cooperative security operations with various countries in West Africa.

Spanish navy vessel’s objective is to develop the capabilities of African nations in the control of their own territorial waters through joint training exercises, which is why the vessel, initially, made stops in Mauritania, Gabon, Ghana , Senegal and Cape Verde, which were later expanded to other countries in the region.

  • Mandate

The Defence Diplomacy Plan is a set of activities, mainly based on dialogue and cooperation, carried out by the Ministry of Defence at the bilateral level with partner and allied countries to prevent conflicts or strengthen security capacities.

These deployments allows for the presence in areas of vital interest to the security of Spain, as indicated in the National Security Strategy in reference to the Gulf of Guinea.

Spanish military help increase security in this volatile region of West Africa.

  • Background

The Gulf of Guinea is considered one of the places in the world capable of destabilizing security in general.

The atmosphere of instability is led by terrorist groups or criminal gangs dedicated to drug or human trafficking, not forgetting the rise of piracy in those waters.

These circumstances make the region a fundamental element for the Security and Defence of Spain and Europe.



  • February 03rd. OPV 'Relámpago' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.


  • December 16th. OPV 'Meteoro' ends deploy in the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • September 02nd. OPV 'Meteoro' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • June 24th. OPV 'Furor' ends deploy in the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • February 15th. OPV 'Furor' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.


  • December 5th.P-44 'Tornado' completes deployment to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • September 15th.OPV 'Tornado' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • June 6th.OPV 'Audaz' ends deploy in the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • January 15th. OPV 'Audaz' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.


  • December 19th. OPV 'Relámpago' ends deploy in the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • August 29th. OPV 'Relámpago' deploys to the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea.
  • June 20th. ESPS 'Serviola' ends its deployment.
  • March 22nd. ESPS 'Serviola' set sail from the port of Ferrol to start the campaign 'Despliegue Africano'.
  • March 7th. ESPS 'Tornado' set sail from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to join multinational exercise 'Obangame Express 22'.


  • October 15th. PSOH P-73 'Vigía' ends its deployment.
  • September 30th. Spanish CMOPS, LTG Braco Carbó, visits patrol vessel 'Vigía' in Senegal.  
  • September 21st. Patrol vessel 'Vigía' carries out a multinational exercise with italian frigate 'Antonio Marceglia'. 
  • August 31st. Spanish Navy's offshore patrol 'Vigía' docks in Pointe Noire (Congo)
  • August 10th. Patrol vessel 'Vigía' carries out a multinational exercise with vessels from Nigeria and the U.S.A.
  • June 30th. Spanish Navy's offshore patrol 'Vigía' docks in Praia to kick off Military Cooperation Activities with the Cape Verdean Army.
  • June 25th. PSOH P-73 'Vigía' takes over from BAM 'Furor' in Mauritania, continuing with the scheduled activities until October 2021.
  • April 21st. BAM 'Furor' hosts the MOD from Gabon docked at the port of Libreville. 
  • April 14th. The crew from BAM 'Furor' gives away computers to a Cameroon school, donated by NGO 'Amigos del tercer mundo'. 
  • April 2nd. BAM 'Furor' takes part on a EU naval exercise with units from France, Italy and Portugal, in Gulf of Guinea waters.
  • March 26th. BAM 'Furor' takes part in multinational exercise 'OBANGAME EXPRESS-21'.
  • March 13th BAM 'Furor' medevacs an injured Spanish fisherman, off the coast of Guinea.
  • March 5th. BAM 'Furor' sets off from Cartagena to the Gulf of Guinea.


  • December 15th. BAM 'Tornado' ends its deployment.
  • November 5th. BAM 'Tornado' carries out Cooperative Security activities along with Senegal's Navy.
  • October 16th.  BAM 'Tornado' sets off from its home port in Gran Canaria for a two month period, to carry out maritime surveillance activities. 


  • March 1st. Offshore patrol vessel ‘Serviola’, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Ramón González-Cela Echevarría, leaves Ferrol to deploy in the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa for 4 months.


  • August 18th. Patrol vessel ‘Centinela’ sets off from Ferrol to deploy in the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa for 4 months
  • March 26th. Patrol boat 'Infanta Elena' along with some thirty countries, of which 19 are African and 11 European, participate in international exercises, led by the United States, in the Gulf of Guinea, which aim to fight piracy , drug trafficking and illegal fishing among other illegal activities.
  • March 1st. Within the framework of the Defence Diplomacy Plan and following up the 'Africa Partnership Station' initiative, the offshore patrol vessel 'Infanta Elena' sets sail from Cartagena (Murcia) to start its deployment in the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa that will last until June 27.


  • August 16th. Patrol vessel 'Infanta Cristina' starts its deployment setting off from its base in Cartagena for a period of 4 months. During its deployment to Africa, the ship plans to call in Cape Verde; Senegal; Ghana; Cameroon; Sao Tome and Principe; Angola; Gabon; and Ivory Coast.
  • February 28th. Patrol vessel 'Vigía' starts its deployment departing from the port of Cádiz bound for the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa.


  • September. Patrol vessel 'Serviola' carries out cooperative security and military cooperation activities in Senegal, Cameroon and Cape Verde, as well as advising and training military personnel and units of the respective navies.
  • February. Patrol vessel 'Atalaya' maximizes the opportunities for interaction with the African navies and with Portuguese and French units also deployed on the West African coast.


  • August. Patrol vessel 'Centinela' sets sail to carry out cooperative security activities and military cooperation in Senegal, Ghana and Cameroon and Cape Verde.
  • March. Patrol vessel 'Vencedora' sets sail from Cartagena to start cooperative security activities in West Africa during the first half of the year.


  • May 31st. The Council of Ministers approves the National Security Strategy, which establishes the Gulf of Guinea as a vital area for Spanish interests.


  • July 27th. The Defence Diplomacy Plan is formally presented at the Air Force headquarters.


  • December 18th. The Strategic Defence Review is presented in Congress, introducing the concept of defence diplomacy for the first time.



  • 16 de octubre. El BAM 'Tornado' zarpa desde su base en Gran Canaria para realizar actividades de vigilancia marítima por un periodo de 2 meses.

EMAD PRESS RELEASES ON Diplomacy and Cooperative security activities

  • BAM ‘Relámpago’ starts mission

    OPV 'Relámpago' begins deployment on Africa’s West coast

    OPV 'Relámpago' begins deployment on Africa’s West coast


    At sea

    More information
  • EUROMARFOR activation ceremony

    The offshore patrol vessel P-41 'Meteoro' participates in the activation of the maritime group EUROMARFOR

    The offshore patrol vessel P-41 'Meteoro' participates in the activation of the maritime group EUROMARFOR


    In West African waters

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  • OPV ‘Meteoro’ P41 docked in Praia Harbour (Cape Verde)

    OPV P-41 ‘Meteoro’ calls at the port of Praia during her deployment

    OPV P-41 ‘Meteoro’ calls at the port of Praia during her deployment


    In Praia, Cape Verde

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  • Formation of the BAM ‘Meteoro’ and vessel ‘Pendjari’ P900 of Benin during GANO-24

    El BAM ‘Meteoro’ ha participado en el ejercicio multinacional Grand African Nemo 2024

    El BAM ‘Meteoro’ ha participado en el ejercicio multinacional Grand African Nemo 2024


    In the Gulf of Guinea

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  • BBAM ‘Meteoro’ and PHA ‘Dixmude’ performing RAS approaches

    The BAM ‘Meteoro’ carries out a passex exercise with the French Navy's dock landing ship ‘Dixmude’

    The BAM ‘Meteoro’ carries out a passex exercise with the French Navy's dock landing ship ‘Dixmude’


    In the Gulf of Guinea

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