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The OPV 'Furor' begins deployment on the west coast of Africa and Gulf of Guinea

En Cartagena
February 15, 2024
  • The vessel will carry out maritime surveillance, military cooperation, support the Defence Diplomacy Plan and reinforce the European Union's Coordinated Maritime Presences initiative

The maritime action vessel 'Furor' departed today from its base at the Cartagena Arsenal for a four-month deployment to the west coast of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea. The ship will remain integrated into the operational structure of the Armed Forces during this period. With a crew of 74 people on board, the ship will visit ports in Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, Cameroon, Senegal and Mauritania.

Stability in West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea is crucial for Spain's security.  Piracy and robbery at sea pose a significant risk to the national fishing and maritime community operating legitimately in the region, where there is also a proliferation of illicit trafficking that threatens our country.

Instability in this region, which is a valuable source of energy resources for Spain, jeopardizes free navigation on maritime routes that are essential for our country.

Deployment on the West African coast and Gulf of Guinea

During the CMP-GoG deployment, the vessel will conduct maritime surveillance and environmental awareness activities to strengthen maritime security in the region. Additionally, it will engage in military cooperation activities with coastal countries to foster mutual knowledge and trust, and to increase their capabilities in the area of maritime security. The OPV 'Furor' will also assist Spanish diplomatic delegations in the region, with the goal of supporting state action abroad and reinforcing national interests in the area. The vessel is part of the Maritime Action Force. During this deployment, it will be integrated into the Maritime Operational Command (MOM) based in Cartagena and under the operational control of the Operations Command (MOPS) during this deployment.

EU Coordinated Maritime Presence

The deployment of the OPV 'Furor' contributes significantly to strengthening the European Union's Coordinated Maritime Presences initiative. This initiative is an effective instrument for improving maritime security in the area and advancing cooperation between the EU and West and Central African states.

The mechanism aims to ensure a permanent maritime presence and availability, promote international maritime cooperation, and provide greater European operational capacity. It is important to note that Spain, as a fully committed partner to European security and defense, is one of the main contributors to this EU initiative.

About the OPV ‘Furor’

The OPVs, built entirely in Spain, have stood out for their excellent performance in the international groups in which they have been integrated, demonstrating their efficiency and operability in the most demanding scenarios.

The 'Furor', like its predecessors, is 93.90 m long, is equipped with high performance, flight deck and has a 35-day fuel autonomy. The latest generation Integrated Platform Control System developed by Navantia Sistemas allows it to operate with a reduced crew.

The missions for which the Offshore Patrol Vessel is designed are, on the one hand, maritime security in low-intensity scenarios, with a deterrent and response capability in the face of asymmetric or conventional threats, and, on the other hand, the protection of national maritime interests, in cooperation with the National Security Forces and Corps and other ministerial departments, in surveillance, rescue, humanitarian assistance, combating illegal trafficking and combating marine pollution.

The OPV 'Furor' is integrated into the Command of the Maritime Action Force Units in Cartagena (MARCART), reporting directly to the Admiral of Maritime Action (ALMART).
