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The BAM 'Audaz' P-75 calls at Abidjan, the last stop of its deployment in the Gulf of Guinea.

In Côte d'Ivoire
May 24, 2023
  • The ship's visit supports Spain's external action in a country that is a high priority within the 'Focus on Africa 2023' document.

As part of its deployment in the Gulf of Guinea, the Maritime Action Ship (BAM) 'Audaz' has spent two days in Abidjan to support the State's external action and project Spain's commitment to the prosperity of the region.

Landfall in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)

The BAM Audaz' docked on the morning of 21 May in Abidjan, the economic capital and main city of Côte d'Ivoire. On its arrival in port, the ship received on board the Spanish ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire, Rafael Soriano Ortiz. The presence in the city of one of the Navy's most modern ships, together with the Spanish ambassador, conveys a message of commitment and contributes to the State's external action.

The BAM 'Audaz' has been deployed in the Gulf of Guinea for more than 4 months, integrated into the operational structure of the Armed Forces and within the framework of the Coordinated Maritime Presences (PMC) of the European Union (EU), to project maritime security in an area of vital strategic interest. It should be noted that this was the last port in the Gulf of Guinea before beginning its withdrawal to national territory. Since leaving Spain, the BAM 'Audaz' has made 11 port calls and has covered more than 20,000 nautical miles.

Commitment to solidarity and to the prosperity of the region

On 22 May, on the docking quay and with the BAM 'Audaz' in the background, the delivery of construction material donated by the NGO 'Cooperación Internacional' for the Kami Parish in Yamoussoukro took place. This material was embarked before leaving Cartagena, and has been transported by the BAM "Audaz" to its final destination in Abidjan. The ceremony was presided over by the Spanish Ambassador and was attended by representatives of the beneficiaries, local and regional authorities, and a group of pupils from the "École des familles Makore" school. This activity is an unequivocal gesture of the solidarity of the Armed Forces and their commitment to the prosperity of the region.

Spanish contribution to Yaoundé Architecture

Accompanying the Spanish ambassador, the Commander and a delegation from the BAM "Audaz" had the opportunity to visit the Regional Centre for Maritime Security for West Africa (CRESMAO) and to hold a meeting with its Director, Admiral Istifanus Muazu Albara. CRESMAO's mission is to strengthen regional cooperation as part of the implementation of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Integrated Maritime Strategy, as well as to manage the Maritime Coordination Centres of zones G, F and E of the Yaoundé Architecture. These areas include the sovereign waters and EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones) of all West African countries from Senegal to Nigeria. The aforementioned activities are essential to strengthen multilateral cooperation in maritime security projection in the region, and therefore contribute to the defence of Spanish and international interests in the Gulf of Guinea.

Deployment of the BAM Audaz

The deployment of the BAM 'Audaz' on the West African coast and Gulf of Guinea is a long-term mission - under the operational control of the Operations Command (MOPS) - which began on 15 January in Cartagena, and which has already visited nine African countries, both in the northern and southern hemispheres.

At sea, the ship is carrying out permanent maritime surveillance and environmental awareness activities, in full coordination with the coastal countries, thus contributing to increasing maritime security in the region. It has also participated in the exercises 'Obangame Express 2023', 'Flintlock 2023' and even in two events of the EU's PASSMAR Programme.

Maritime Action Force (FAM)

The FAM, integrated into the FLEET, is made up of the set of units whose main task is to prepare to protect international maritime interests and the control of maritime spaces of national sovereignty and interest, taking charge, with a comprehensive approach, of ensuring permanent cooperation with the various government bodies with competencies in the maritime sphere, which constitutes the Navy's contribution to State Action at Sea.
