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Frigate “Méndez Nuñez” concludes its stay in Papeete

In the Pacific Ocean
October 10, 2019

·       The final stretch of the transoceanic sailing of the frigate throughout the Pacific begins

The frigate “Méndez Nuñez” has concluded its stopover in Papeete Port (Tahiti), at the Windward Islands Archipelago, one of those integrating the French Polynesia. After staying there three days, the frigate continues its path throughout the Pacific Ocean into South America.

During its stay in the port, the frigate has welcomed on board the Spanish deputy honorary consul in the French Polynesia, Diego Lao López, as well as different French authorities. The crew has enjoyed the Tahiti Island, famous for its natural richness.

Although it is not a frequent destination for the Spanish units, it is the second time in three years that an Army´s ship dock at it, being the frigate “Cristobal Colón” the first one in making a stopover in 2016. This is due to a strategic position in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which makes it a logistic port needed when crossing these waters.

Papeete, capital city of the French Polynesia, was discovered by British people in the 18th century. For several years it was a subject of dispute between Great Britain and France. In 1842, it was demanded by France as protectorate, and in 1880 it changed its status into colony. Since 2004, the French Polynesia is a French Overseas Collectivity. With respect to its relation with Spain, it should be mentioned that the Magellan´s circumnavigation sighted, but not stepped on, the Pukapuka island, part of this group of Archipelagos.

During its operational deployment around the world, as part of the 500th  anniversary of the first circumnavigation, the “Méndez Nuñez” is carrying out naval operations in support of maritime security. Moreover, before entering the Tahiti port, the Spanish ship has conducted naval exercises with a French aircraft and frigate. These activities contribute to maintain the ship´s training, to improve mutual knowledge and interoperability, and to make known the Spanish Armed Forces´ abilities.
