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Spanish soldiers instruct the Senegalese Armed Forces in logistics

November 6, 2020

·       A team from the Army’s 61st Logistic Support Group travelled to Senegal to teach a course on logistics planning within the framework of the Defence Diplomacy Plan

The Spanish Armed Forces resumed the cooperation between Senegal and Spain included in the Defence Diplomacy Plan, after a break caused by the health crisis of COVID19.

A team from the Army's 61st Logistic Support Group, under operational control of the Operations Command, travelled to Senegal to teach a course on logistics planning.

This course is one of the bilateral Cooperative Security activities, which are developed through the Defence Diplomacy Plan with Senegal. Within this plan, a Cooperation Program regarding Military Education is included.


Defence Diplomacy is the set of international activities mainly based on dialogue and cooperation carried out by the Ministry of Defence at a bilateral level with our allies, partners and friendly countries, in this case Senegal, to promote the fulfilment of the defence policy objectives in support of State’s external action.
