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EZAPAC trains the Senegalese Air Force Special Operations Command

December 4, 2019

·       Spanish soldiers have given a training phase in precision shooting and fire support

The Spanish Air Force Paratrooper Sapper Squadron has carried out in Senegal, within the framework of Cooperative Security Activities (in Spanish ASC), a phase of specific training regarding precision firing from helicopters and fire support and coverage with collective armament, for the Senegalese Special Air Force (FSA).

An EZAPAC team, under the operational command of the Joint Special Operations Command (in Spanish MCOE), has implemented the plan of activities in the surroundings of the town of Thiès. To this end, lectures have been given in the classroom on the issues concerned, shooting exercises have been carried out and real fire shooting practices have been conducted using the different types of weapons and calibres available to the Senegalese FSA.

The two-week phase concluded with a direct-action exercise combining the use of all the techniques, tactics and procedures learnt during the training. This exercise was planned, led, coordinated and executed by FSA under the supervision of EZAPAC staff. In addition, during its execution, members of the squadron team joined the Senegalese military personnel to form the various groups participating in the exercise.
