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The 'Atalaya' collaborates with São Tomé and Príncipe Armed Forces

São Tomé and Príncipe
October 19, 2019

·       Patrol boat conducts several joint training exercises with the Coast Guard of the African country

The patrol boat 'Atalaya', after several days of patrol in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea for maritime security and surveillance, has made a stopover on the island of Sao Tome, belonging to the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Principe. The port is part of the second phase of the African deployment in which the Spanish Navy ship has been immersed since mid-August, under the Operations Command of the Defence Staff.

During its stay on the African island, the patrolman has conducted collaborative and training exercises along with the Coast Guard of Sao Tome and Principe. Specifically, the "Atalaya" crew carried out exercises focused on fire fighting, maritime boarding operations, diving, maritime safety, health, general ship manoeuvring and navigation. Lectures were given and the main procedures used by the Spanish Navy were explained. Everything aimed at strengthening the operational capabilities of the Armed Forces of Sao Tome and Principe.

The patrol boat has also carried out various protocol activities within the framework of the Defence Diplomacy Plan. Thus, the ship commander has visited the Chief of Defence Staff, the commander of the Coast Guard and the Minister of the Presidency of São Tomé. It has also received on board the visit of the Spanish ambassador in Gabon and São Tomé and Principe.

African Deployment in the Gulf of Guinea

The Navy, supervised by the Operations Command, under the command of the Defence Staff, develops the African Deployment mission in order to exhibit the activity and capability of its ships as essential instruments of National Security, to defend our maritime interests in the area and to contribute to conflict prevention in a particularly sensitive region.

Spain frames its activities in the Gulf of Guinea within the scope of the EU, where the Defence Ministers of Spain, Portugal, France and Denmark have agreed to increase maritime security initiatives in the region.
