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Operation Support to Türkiye

NATO Operation

NATO's Operation Support to Türkiye is part of Spain's commitment to its allies in matters of security, neighbourhood and solidarity.


Support to Turkey

The unit deployment was authorized by agreement of the Council of Ministers on December 26th, 2014, which extended the participation of units and military observers to operations outside national borders. Thanks to this decision, Spain showed its support and involvement in Turkish security.

The mission is purely defensive and, according to NATO, it demonstrates the existing solidarity between allies and serves as an example to show that the collective defence is considered a “cornerstone” within the organization.

On December 11th, 2015, the Council of Ministers authorised an extension up to the 31st December 2016, with a maximum of 150 troops.

The first contingent was transferred to Türkiye on  December 29th, 2014, taking over from the Dutch unit at Adana airport a month later.

In January 2016, the Spanish Patriot Unit was transferred from Adana airport to Incirlik Air Base.

At present, the Patriot Unit is made up of about 140 military personnel. The Spanish contingent is deployed at Incirlik Air Base.



The situation along NATO’s south-eastern border and the repeated violations of Turkey’s territory raise grave concern. As the North Atlantic Council made clear on June 26 and October 3, we stand with Turkey in the spirit of strong solidarity. We, the NATO foreign ministers, declare our determination to deter threats to and defend Turkey.

In response to Türkiye’s request, NATO has decided to augment Türkiye’s air defence capabilities in order to defend the population and territory of Turkey and contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along the Alliance’s border.  We have agreed to do so within the framework of the NATO integrated air defence system in order to preserve, protect and enhance the ability to defend the population and territory of Türkiye in accordance with the NATO standing defence plan. 

We welcome the intention of Germany, the Netherlands and the United States to provide Patriot missile batteries, subject to their respective national procedures.  These systems will be under the operational command of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).  Any deployment will be defensive only.  It will in no way support a no-fly zone or any offensive operation.

NATO’s ultimate task is the protection and defence of our members. Today, we underline once again our steadfast commitment to the security of this Alliance, and our full solidarity and resolve to protect our populations and territories.

We express our appreciation to the Turkish people and authorities for assisting Syrian citizens who found refuge in Turkey. We call for an end to violence in Syria, which represents a serious threat to stability and security in the region. We fully support the efforts of the international community to find a peaceful solution.


The mission Support to Türkiye (originally named Active Fence) was launched in December 2012, when NATO, at the request of the Government of Türkiye, deployed six Patriot anti-missile batteries from Holland, Germany and the United States. Its aim was to increase the Turkish defensive capabilities in light of the threats from the Syrian conflict, both from the regime of Bashar el Asad – who used Scud missiles against the rebel forces- and from the Daesh jihadi group, which managed to gain control of one of the Syrian army´s ballistic arsenals.

In August 2014, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) asked Spain to relieve some of the units deployed in 2015 in order to maintain the Alliance´s efforts in this mission. Spain decided to meet the request and in January 2015, deployed a Patriot battery belonging to the 74th Anti-air Artillery Regiment, whose mission is the anti-missile defence of the city of Adana against possible attacks from Syria.

This mission, which began on 26th January 2015, represents the first time that Spain has deployed a ballistic missile defence system abroad.


  • December 20th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the 'Patriot-XX' and 'Patriot-XXI' contingents.
  • June 20th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the 'Patriot-XIX' and 'Patriot-XIX' contingents.


  • December 20 th. Relief of the 'Patriot XVIII' contingent by the 'Patriot XIX'. The contingent is commanded by TCol. Alejandro Fresno Calvo.
  • June 20th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the 'Patriot-XVII' and 'Patriot-XVIII' contingents. The incoming unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Emilio Manuel Montero Espinosa


  • December 22nd. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the 'Patriot-XVI' and 'Patriot-XVII' contingents. The incoming unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Jose María Contreras Merino.
  • June 22nd. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the 'Patriot-XV' and 'Patriot-XVI' contingents. The incoming unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Sergio Martín Gallego.
  • February 12th. ESP CHOD visits Spanish troops deployed to Turkey.


  • December 21st. The HOTO ceremony is hosted at Incirlik AFB. A/T XV contingent handed over from A/T XIV. 
  • June 21st. A/T XIV contingent handed over from A/T XIII. 


  • December 21st. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the AT-XII and AT-XIII contingents. The incoming unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Joaquín de Pedro Garcimartín.
  • July 22nd. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the contingents. The incoming unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ismael Salazar Moreno.
  • July 1st. The new rotation (A/T-XII) made up of 149 servicemen arrives in Turkey.
  • June 22nd. Relief of contingent AT-X within the operation "APOYO A TURQUÍA". Spanish Armed Forces’ commitment is firm in respect of the anti-missile defence of Turkish territory.
  • April 12th. Few members of the next patriot contingent conduct a reconnaissance visit to their deployment site. Personnel who will hold key positions of the AT-X contingent obtain information about this NATO collective defence mission.
  • February 13th. Spanish CHOD visits the detachment.
  • January 19th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) between the contingents. The incoming unit is RAAA-74 commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Benito de Valle. 


  • July 22th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) of the contingents composing Patriot missile Unit. The AT-X contingent Chief is lieutenant colonel José Ángel Úbeda Garcerán.
  • January 19th. VIII contingent is replaced by IX Spanish contingent.


  • December 19th. The Chief of the Defence Staff visits the VIII contingent in Turkey.
  • July 23rd. VII contingent is replaced by VIII Spanish contingent.
  • July 5th. The Chief of the Defence Staff visits the VII contingent in Turkey.
  • January 21st. VII contingent takes over the command of the mission.


  • December 28th. Mission extended for a period of six months. It may be protracted depending on the evolution of the situation.
  • December 19th. The Chief of the Defence Staff visits the VI contingent in Turkey.
  • July 22th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) in Support to Turkey operation, VI contingent takes over the Patriot missile unit.
  • July 4th. The Chief of the Defence Staff visits the V Spanish contingent in Turkey.
  • January 19. IV contingent is replaced by V Spanish contingent.


  • November 30th. The Spanish Ambassador visits the contingent in Turkey.
  • July 27th: The Chief of the Defence Staff visits the contingent.  
  • July 26th. Unit Handover/takeover (HOTO). The IV contingent takes over the command of the mission.  
  • January 21st. The III Spanish contingent is fully operational at Incirlik air base.


  • December 11th. The Ministry Council authorises the extension of the mission till the end of 2016, by authorising a maximum of 150 military contingent personnel.
  • January 26th. Handover/takeover (HOTO) ceremony between the Dutch and the Spanish contingents is held at the Incirlik air base.
  • January 15th.. Personnel of the first contingent of the Spanish Missile Patriot Unit are incorporated into the mission.
  • January 12nd. 'Martin Posadillo' and 'Camino Español' vessels, which transport material (weapon systems and vehicles) for “Patriot” battery, arrive in Turkey.


  • December 29th. Spanish Patriot Unit begins its department and deployment at the Airport of Adana (Turkey).
  • August. The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) requests from Spain its participation into the mission.



  • Family photo with the Ambassador

    Tenth anniversary of the Spanish Armed Forces in the NATO operation in support of Türkiye

    Tenth anniversary of the Spanish Armed Forces in the NATO operation in support of Türkiye


    In Türkiye

    More information
  • Transfer of commanders' authority

    Takeover of Operation ‘Support for Turkey’ in Adana

    Takeover of Operation ‘Support for Turkey’ in Adana


    In Turkey

    More information
  • Handing over the contingent's flag

    Operation 'Support Turkey' inter-troop handover at Incirlik Airbase

    Operation 'Support Turkey' inter-troop handover at Incirlik Airbase


    In Adana, Turkey

    More information
  • F-4 Phantom of the TURAFF

    First collaboration between the Spanish contingent 'AT XIX' and the Turkish Air Force.

    First collaboration between the Spanish contingent 'AT XIX' and the Turkish Air Force.


    In Adana, Türkiye

    More information
  • Signing of the handover

    Relief of personnel in Operation 'Support Turkey' at Incirlik Airbase

    Relief of personnel in Operation 'Support Turkey' at Incirlik Airbase


    Adana, Türkiye

    More information