Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' (F-102) is already integrated into the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG-2) while in Rota. Thus starts a deployment that is scheduled to end within two months.
SNMG-2 is a Standing Maritime Group of the Atlantic Alliance, which operates in Mediterranean waters and its main mission is maritime surveillance and deterrence. In addition, the units deployed in the area carry out support activities linked to Operation 'Sea Guardian', also a NATO operation, whose main objective is the fight against illicit activities at sea.
This deployment strengthens Spain and its Armed Forces’s commitment to NATO, and thus contributes to deterrence and collective defence at and from the sea, providing a maritime presence and increasing interoperability between different coalition countries.
In addition to the frigate's own crew, for this deployment, the Spanish warship has an Embarked Air Unit (UNAEMB) from the 10th Navy Aircraft Squadronconsisting of a SH60B helicopter, pilots and aircraft maintenance personnel, a Marine Corps Security Operational Team (EOS) belonging to 'Tercio de Levante' and seconded personnel, including a doctor and an air traffic controller.
Frigate 'Almirante Juan de Borbón' (F-102) is the second unit of the 'Álvaro de Bazán' class (F-100) that make up the 31st Surface Squadron. The vessel is a multipurpose escort, being one of the most advanced in Europe due to its state-of-the-art capabilities. Although her AEGIS combat system makes her strong point in anti-air warfare, she is capable of defending a naval force against various threats, be they air, surface or underwater, in high, medium and low intensity scenarios. She can also tackle other types of missions, such as crisis management and prevention, humanitarian aid operations and naval blockade, among others.
The F-102 is stationed in Ferrol (NW Spain) and is the second unit of a series of five multi-purpose frigates that make up the 31st Surface Squadron that can operate in low, medium or high intensity scenarios.
The frigate will remain integrated into the SNMG-2 until the beginning of September, when it is scheduled to arrive at its base port in Ferrol.