Spanish major general Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz visited the 'Miguel de Cervantes' Base for the first time since he took over as Force Commander and Head of the UNIFIL Mission last February.
Upon his arrival at the Base, he was welcomed by general Ramón Armada Vázquez, head of the Sector East Multinational Brigade. Afterwars, the Force Commander reviewed the troops and he saluted Commanders from different units.
Later on, general Lázaro was briefed on the UNIFIL's Sector East mission, among other topics, he learnt about the organisation, religious and political situation in the area. He was also updated on the main tasks assigned to every battalion deployed in the sector, from an operational view and, also, regarding the activities carried out in support of the civilian population. These activities are aimed at implementing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council as a tool for re-establishing and keeping international peace and security.
After general Armada's briefing, general Lázaro signed the book of honour and addressed a few words to the attendees in the conference room. He conveyed his personal satisfaction for being in Lebanon and remind them about the two previous positions he served in the area. The first one as Brigade's Chief of Staff and years later as Head of the Sector East Multinational Brigade. He also acknowledged all servicemen for their dedication, sacrifice and discipline,