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Sede del EMAD

CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence

CSEL Pedro Hilario Medina Oliver


Welcome to this space of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL)  to the Spanish Chief of Defence.

The EMAD is the operational structure of the Spanish Armed Forces established for the development of joint and combined action in operations, both national and international.

The post of CSEL in the EMAD has been held since July 1995, having been occupied  up to date by six CSEL’s: four from the Army, one from the Navy and two from the Air and Space forces. I have learned from all of them and their legacy remains in the post I have the honour to occupy.

I report directly to the Chief of Defence Staff (CHOD) and I am part of his Command Team.

In close contact with our CHOD, I advise him on all matters relating to the personnel regime, professional expectations and the future of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel of the EMAD.

In addition, it is of great importance the collaboration with the CSEL´s of specific posts at national level (Defence, Army, Navy, Air Force and Space) and with my counterparts in other countries at international level.

As a CSEL to the CHOD, within the importance of all the functions and tasks of the CSEL, the most important for me is to attend to and look after the concerns, needs and interests of each and every NCO and enlisted personnel in the field of their professional development, but, of course,  without forgetting the human and personal aspect.

In addition, I will share on this website some of the activities that I regularly carry out with colleagues from the Spanish Armed Forces from whom I constantly learn.

I hope and wish that, by browsing this website, the figure of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Defence Staff will become better known.

All in a spirit of service and loyalty to the Spanish Armed Forces and Spain.


Thank you very much!

CSEL Pedro Hilario Medina Oliver

CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence


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