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The Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) to the ESP Chief of Defence (CHOD) visits the NATO Centre of Excellence against Improvised Explosive Devices (COE C-IED)

Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid
May 13, 2024
  • He was able to see the work carried out by the centre's staff in the fight against improvised explosive devices

The  CSEL to the Spanish CHOD, Pedro Hilario Medina Oliver, visited the Centre of Excellence against Improvised Explosive Devices (COE C-IED), located in the town of Hoyo de Manzanares in Madrid.

The CSEL was received by the director of the centre, Colonel (OF-5) Javier Corbacho Margallo, by the executive officer, Commander Alfonso Martínez Ferra, and by Sergeant Major (OR-9),  Luís Miguel Gundín Gracia, as the most senior non-commissioned officer. They then held a meeting, at which the centre's director gave a presentation on the structure and functions of the centre.

Subsequently, Sergeant Major (OR-9), Luís Miguel Gundín Gracia and Raúl Gatón Miguelsanz and Master Sergeant (OR-8)  Jesús González Sanz gave a presentation on the functions that NCOs and troop and sailor personnel carry out in the different sections of the centre (Admin&Support, Defeat the Device and Prepare the Force).

Then, accompanied by Sergeant Major Luís Miguel Gundín Gracia, he began the tour of the facilities. In the laboratory, brigades David Herraiz López and Jesús González Sanz explained the activities carried out there in a theoretical and practical way.

The visit finished with a Spanish wine with the director of the centre, the executive officer and the Spanish NCOs and troops and sailors assigned at the centre.

The mission of the COE C-IED is to provide expertise and leadership in the fight against improvised explosive devices to reinforce the security of Spanish and allied forces deployed in operations, and to contribute to improving our security and that of our partner and allied countries against the terrorist or insurgent threat.
