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Six months since the beginning of operation 'EUMAM UA' in Spain

June 2, 2023
  • Six months after Spain joined the EUMAM UA operation, the Toledo Training Coordination Centre is carrying out the handover of the first contingent

Relief at the head of EUMAM UA, the EU training mission of Ukrainian personnel in Spain. Up to now this task was carried out by the 'Roncesvalles' Mountain Troops Command, under the command of Brigadier General Francisco German Martinez Lozano, who was appointed as Director General of the TTCC I. The 'Aragon' I Brigade has been designated to take over from this contingent, with its Commanding General as Director General of TTCC II and Colonel Jose Ramón Blanco Castro, Chief of RAC 'Pavía' 4 as Second Chief of TTCC.      

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union (EU) showed its commitment to assist Ukraine in its self-defence. On September 30, 2022, the Ukrainian Foreign and Defence Ministers requested military assistance from the European Union and supported the urgent establishment of a European Union Military Assistance Mission to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (EUMAM UA). On October 17, the Council decided on the establishment of the Mission and on November 15 issued the order for the activation of the EUMAM UA operation, subsequently stating in the Mission Plan that the initial mandate of the Mission would last for two years from its inception.

In Spain, based on the initial training needs requested by Ukraine, it was decided to create a Combat Training Unit, being its Generating Base Unit the Mountain Troops Command, at the facilities of the Infantry Academy in Toledo in charge to coordinate the training modules offered nationally. The first Basic Instruction Module for recruits was given to 65 Ukrainians from November 15 to December 16, 2022.

Due to the increase in the number of Ukrainian training requests, a joint Training Coordination Centre (Toledo Training Coordination Centre - TTCC) was created in Burgos, under the operational control of the Operations Command, to direct and coordinate all the training activities offered by Spain to the UAF and transferred to the EUMAM UA operation. The TTCC was activated on 03 January 2023 in the facilities of the semi-permanent command post of the San Marcial Division Headquarters, reaching full operational capability on 13 January to be subsequently transferred to the international chain.

Within the framework of the European Union Military Assistance Mission in Support of Ukraine, during the month of May, the TTCC will once again easily exceed 400 Ukrainian soldiers training in Spain simultaneously. To date, more than 1,500 Ukrainian soldiers have been trained in Spain in different locations throughout the country, with the participation of some 600 Spanish military personnel and involving a significant amount of logistical resources, facilities and means made available, in addition to the means and materials donated to Ukraine through the international chains orchestrated by the European Union. With an initial estimate of 2,000 soldiers trained annually, if the current pace is maintained, it will be in a position to exceed this figure before the end of 2023.

The military capabilities provided to the Ukrainian forces through the mission have included the training of recruits carried out in the basic training modules in Toledo and San Fernando, the specific capabilities also provided in Toledo, health support in combat and combating explosive devices, both improvised and in mined areas, essential for operating in combat zones and those that have been recovered during the conflict; the training of sappers, provided in Burgos; the training of commanders in tactical operations planning, alternating between the locations of Almeria and Cartagena. Work is also being done to include new training courses to provide the capabilities of:


  • Non-commissioned officer training: assigned to 63rd "Barcelona" Regiment
  • Advanced Observer Training by RALCA (Field Rocket Artillery Regiment)
  • Conducting Close Air Support: provided by Air Force personnel in Alcantarilla (Murcia).
