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The Navy begins to train Ukrainian military personnel

San Fernando, Cádiz
March 27, 2023
  • Operation EUAM-UA includes the Marine Corps Brigade 'Tercio de Armada' in the training of recruits to increase the capabilities offered to Ukraine

The Spanish Navy, through the Tercio de Armada, based in San Fernando (Cadiz), has joined the efforts of the Spanish Armed Forces in the ongoing support offered by the European Union to help Ukraine increase its military capability and fulfil its legitimate objectives.

More specifically, a hundred marines have undertaken the 4th Basic Training Course for Ukrainian recruits, as part of the EUAM-UA operation.

The course takes advantage of the excellent training facilities of the Tercio de Armada and has complemented them with the opportunities offered by the Sierra del Retin training camp that the Navy operates near the town of Barbate in Cadiz, where a permanent camp has been set up.

This location in two different places, although it represents a logistical effort for the Navy, facilitates the tactical and technical preparation of the Ukrainian armed forces soldiers enabling them to acclimatise to harsh climatic conditions and scarce resources, reinforcing their resilience and mental strength.   At the end of the training period, they will be prepared to return to Ukraine to contribute to the defence of their country's democratic values and territorial integrity against unjust Russian aggression.

However, in spite of the physical and mental demands of the training, a priority for the Navy is to ensure the Ukrainian soldiers' communication with their families and loved ones, as well as to provide them with the best possible living conditions for their recovery during their short periods of rest. In this respect, the moral support offered by the Marine instructors of the Navy's Tercio de Armada is key to maintain the involvement and motivation of the Ukrainian soldiers.


These training activities are conducted under the direction of the Toledo Training Coordination Centre (TTCC), in conjunction with the EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) Headquarters, under the umbrella of Operation EUAM UA.

EUAM UA, in Spain under the operational control of the Operations Command, is ready to adjust to the operational needs of the Ukrainian armed forces. It is able to adapt its organisation and personnel to meet the required training, in accordance with the evolution of the situation.

Las Fuerzas Armadas españolas cuentan con una gran experiencia en las misiones de adiestramiento a personal de las Fuerzas Armadas y cuerpos de seguridad de otros países, en el ámbito de la UE (RCA, Malí y Somalia) y en el ámbito de otras colaboraciones con nuestros aliados (Irak).

The Spanish Armed Forces have acquired extensive experience in EU training missions for personnel of the Armed Forces and security forces of other countries (CAR, Mali and Somalia) as well as in other collaborations with our allies (Iraq).

It is not excluded that teams of trainers from other EU Member States may participate in national training centres if required.

The Ministry of Defence, and by extension the Armed Forces, provide the necessary operational and logistical support and carry out the training, as a demonstration of Spanish society's commitment to democratic principles and international legality.
