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Commander of the Operations Command presents the EU Military Assistance mission in support of Ukraine

In Toledo
December 2, 2022
  • The Combat Training Unit at the 'Toledo Training Coordination Center (TTCC) was also presented at the briefing given to the media

Lieutenant General Francisco Braco Carbó, commander of the Operations Command (CMOPS) has presented in Toledo the EU Military Assistance mission in support of Ukraine. He also informed about the Combat Training Unit, specially created to fulfill this mission. This Unit will have the mission to train the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The event took place at the Toledo Infantry Academy (ACINF) where the Toledo Training Coordination Center (TTCC) is located. The CMOPS highlighted Spain's "commitment to assist Ukraine" and explained that "this mission aims to contribute to improving the military capacity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to effectively carry out military operations". The objective is " to enable the country to defend its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, to effectively exercise its sovereignty and to protect the civilian population".

Brigadier General Martínez Lozano, Commander of the Toledo Training Coordination Center (TTCC), and Lieutenant Colonel Iranzo, Head of the Combat Training Unit, also participated in the presentation. Both explained the training of the first group of 64 Ukrainians, all of them without previous military training.

These training activities are conducted under the direction of the Toledo Training Coordination Center (TTCC), in coordination with the EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) Headquarters. It is planned that this training in Spain will be conducted in rotations of about 400 Ukrainian military personnel every two months.

Five training modules have been initially agreed upon as part of the training to be provided by Spain: general combat training; precision marksmen; instruction against improvised devices (C-IED); basic instruction for sappers; and tactical combat casualty care (TCCC).

The specific training program has been coordinated with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the key elements are: thoroughness, adaptability, exigency, force protection and security, and attention to the morale and well-being of the trained personnel. 
