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Deployment of a specialist EOD (Explosive Ordnance Deactivation) team from the 7th Engineer Regiment to Senegal is completed.

Dakar, Senegal
October 6, 2023
  • They took part in an activity with the Gendarmerie Nationel of Senegal in the framework of security cooperation between the two countries.

Specialists in explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and in reconnaissance (EOR) of ammunition and explosive devices (IEDs) of the Engineer Regiment No. 7 (RING-7), belonging to the General Command of Ceuta (GOMGECEU), have been deployed during the past month of September in Senegal.

During their stay, they carried out cooperation tasks within the framework of the Cooperative Security Activities (ASC) that the Spanish Armed Forces in general, and the COMGECEU in particular, carry out annually on the African continent.

These activities, aimed at facilitating the development of the military capabilities of the surrounding countries, are intended to contribute to the stability of the region and the maintenance of international peace and security.

It took place in different training camps in the towns of Dakar and Thiès, with the participation of the Senegalese Gendarmerie Nationel and was aimed at both EOD specialists and gendarmes from the intervention units (GIGN).

The cooperation activity focused on the fight against improvised explosive devices in their different phases: recognition, search, identification and deactivation. During the first few days, theoretical sessions were held in the classroom to share and consolidate knowledge, which was then put into practice in various incident resolution exercises.

The Senegalese Armed Forces and Gendarmerie have been working intensively for years to prevent jihadist terrorism, which is why they have a high regard for this type of cooperation that allows them to improve their capabilities to deal with this threat.
