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Patrol vessel “Tornado” carry out cooperative security activities along with Senegal's Navy

Dakar, Senegal
November 5, 2020
  • In the framework of Defence Diplomacy activities, the crew of the Spanish ship, under operational control of the Operations Command, has carried out joint training activities

The crew of the Maritime Action Vessel “Tornado” took part in several cooperative security activities with the Senegalese Armed Forces during its stopover in Dakar.

In particular, activities were carried out, both on the ship and at sea, aimed at training along with personnel and units of the Senegalese National Navy which contribute to the improvement of procedures of both navies in such diverse areas such as homeland security, diving, ships visit, board and search and maritime interdiction.

The Defence Diplomacy Plan is a set of activities, mainly based on dialogue and cooperation, carried out by the Ministry of Defence bilaterally with partner and allied countries to strengthen their security capabilities and prevent conflicts.

These deployments allow the units dependent on the Operations Command make effective the presence of the Spanish Armed Forces in areas of vital interest to the security of Spain, as remarked in the National Security Strategy.

The Spanish military, through cooperation with West African countries, support the development of their capabilities and foster mutual knowledge and trust, contributing to the improvement of regional security, which in turn increases the security of Spain and, therefore, the protection of its interests.
