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“Atalaya” patrol boat docks at Lagos Port and cooperates with the Nigerian Armed Forces

In Lagos, Nigeria
October 7, 2019

The Patrol Boat “Atalaya” (P-74) has carried out several joint training exercises with the Nigerian Armed Forces.

The patrol boat “Atalaya” has docked at Lagos, Nigeria, after several days of sailing the Gulf of Guinea waters with maritime security and surveillance purposes. The Nigerian Port is part of the second phase of the African deployment, in which the Spanish Armed Forces´ ship has been committed since mid-August.

From 2nd to 5th October, the “Atalaya” has been docked at Lagos. It accomplishes joint cooperation and training exercises with the Nigerian Navy, as well as other diplomatic activities in fulfilment of the Defence Diplomacy Plan.

During its stay in the Nigerian city, the Commander has received the visit of his Excellency the Spanish Ambassador to Nigeria, together with different civilian and military authorities of the city. They had the opportunity of personally getting to know the main characteristics and virtues of the unit, as well as our National Industry´s capability in support of the Armed Forces.

Regarding support training exercises, the “Atalaya” crew has worked along with the local Navy by carrying out exercises both at the port and at sea.

During the first period in port, training exercises were focused on medical assistance in combat zones, fire fighting, boarding operations, diving, general manoeuvring of the ship and sailing. For this purpose, conferences were held, procedures were explained and several practical exercises aimed at improving the operational capabilities of the Nigerian Armed Forces were implemented.

On the other hand, at sea, the special operations unit “Special Boat Service” carried out exercises of naval formation, inspection and boarding. In order to conduct said exercises, two Nigerian naval officers were taken on board the “Atalaya”, integrating within the ship routines as well as becoming familiar with its usual procedures.

After concluding training at sea, the “Atalaya” continues with the African Deployment, being Douala, Cameroon, its next stopover. During this voyage, the Spanish Armed Forces‘ ship will continue with the Cooperative Security activities in West Africa and Gulf of Guinea.

 About the African Deployment mission in Gulf of Guinea

Gulf of Guinea is one of the places in the world where global security can be destabilized by piracy and armed robbery.

The Spanish Armed Forces, under the command of the Defence Staff, is accomplishing this mission with the aim of proving that the activity and capacity of its ships are essential instruments for National Security, of defending our maritime interests in the area (fishing, maritime hydrocarbon traffic) and of contributing to conflict prevention in such particularly sensitive area.

Spanish Armed Forces also contribute to strengthen maritime safety in other world regions, by making use of its deployments in Africa to gain closer relations with the greatest possible number of countries. In this sense, within the framework of Cooperative Security, it develops intense activity in countries as Senegal and Cape Verde. Its activity in African coasts, coordinated together with other western countries such as the United States, France, Portugal and Denmark, is based on agreements with some countries in the area.

Spanish activities in Gulf of Guinea are included within the EU framework. The Spanish, Portuguese, French and Dane Ministers of Defence have agreed to increase the maritime security initiatives in the area.
