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A new Spanish contingent takes over in EUTM RCA

Bangui, CAR
February 14, 2022
  • Spanish personnel, under the operational control of the Operations Command, will fill different positions within the European Union military training mission

'Camp Moana', headquarters of the European Union Training Mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA), hosted the Transfer of Authority (TOA) ceremony between EUTM RCA XII contingent, whose Chief of Staff was Colonel Francisco Javier Álvarez Roy, and EUTM RCA XIII contingent, whose Chief of Staff will be Colonel Alberto Gude Menéndez. 

Other positions of responsibility were also handed over, including the heads of the intelligence and plans/training sections. In total, eight Spanish military personnel are deployed there.

EU's mission in the Central African Republic

The European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic (EUTM-RCA), a non-executive EU operation, was launched on 16 July 2016 for a period of 2 years at the request of the Central African government, with the mission of providing advice at both the strategic and operational levels, for the reconstruction of the Central African Armed Forces and cooperation with the structures of the Ministry of Defence to carry out their military training and education.

The EUTM RCA mission is currently in its third mandate, which will end on 19 September 2022. Essentially, the objectives are aimed at implementing changes within the defence field, in close collaboration with other international organisations such as the United Nations Mission in the country (MINUSCA), the European Union Delegation (EUDEL) and the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM), and are mainly focused on three areas or pillars: strategic advice, operational training, and education.

EUTM RCA XIII faces a rotation with important challenges, including the strategic review for the new mandate, contributing to the development of the National Defence Plan (NDP) and the possible further enlargement of the area of action, if the evolution of the situation so permits. These milestones will undoubtedly mark the future of the EU mission's presence in CAR.
