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Frigate F-82 'VICTORIA' assists Djibouti Navy training

November 6, 2023
  • As part of its task, the boarding and search troop of the Spanish ship carried out a training session during a day of instruction.

Djibouti was the first port of call for the frigate 'Victoria', the first port of call in the Indian Ocean. The ship, which belongs to the 41st Escort Escadrille, received on board one of the two Force Protection teams available to the Djibouti Navy, to carry out a day of instruction and training.

The activity, which focused on visiting and searching, was mainly in three areas: personnel control, movement around the outside of a ship and medical care for a gunshot wounded individual. After receiving the theoretical part given by the Visit and Review Troop and the ship's health personnel and ROLE 2, the Djibouti Navy's Force Protection team carried out practices in frisking, shackling, self-defence, tourniquets and treatment of the wounded and movement around the outside decks of the ship.

The Spanish vessel therefore contributes to the instruction and training mission of EUNAVFOR, boosting the capabilities of the coastal countries, strengthening ties and thus favouring stability in the area.
