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The 37th contingent ‘P-3M Orion’ aircraft takes over in operation ‘Atalanta’

May 27, 2020
  • Spanish Armed Forces continue to provide surveillance and prenvention against piracy off the Somali coast regardless the pandemic

The 37th contingent 'P-3M Orion' aircraft personnel landed at the French Base BA188 in Yibuti, where took place the Hand-Over Take-Over (HOTO) with the previous contingent. The 'P-3M Orion' provides maritime surveillance in support of the European Union Naval Force 'Atalanta' (EU NAVFOR).

The Health authorities in Djibuti have decided to quarantine the 31 Air Force military personnel as well as a PCR test before the beginning of their activities. Additionally, severe protocols for COVID-19 have been applied during the embarkment and disembarkment.

Accordingly, both the 'A-310' as well as the ground vehicles were sanitazed before transporting the personnel.

The HOTO was initially planned on March 20th but due to COVID-19 had to be postponed until today. Spanish Armed Forces stand by their commitment  against piracy off the Somali coast, gulf of Aden and the Western Indian Ocean.


The 'P-3M Orion' aircraft provides the capacities needed on maritime surveillance over huge areas, contributing directly to the safety of maritime traffic and maintaining the situational awareness of the area of operations (AOO). Thus, it provides a quick reaction capacity, when required.

The Spanish Armed Forces maintain their commitment with this operation uninterruptedly. This way, Spain is one of the Member States with the greatest contribution in capabilities and personnel, since the operation was launched in 2008 to contribute to the security and stability in the Horn of Africa.
