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Orión detachment delivers medicines to Caritas Djibouti

February 24, 2020

·         The medicines, donated by the Queen Sofía Foundation, will be used in the Emergency Healthcare Assistance project 

Military personnel from the Orion Detachment, deployed in the EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta, delivered more than a hundred kilos of medicines donated by the Queen Sofia Foundation to Caritas Djibouti. The medicines will be used in the Emergency Healthcare Assistance project (ASU), aimed at people who have difficulties in accessing the public healthcare system in the country.

The director of Caritas Castrense Getafe, Sergeant Major Augusto Martínez Rico, who is part of the Spanish contingent deployed in Djibouti, formalized the donation of medicines together with the president of Caritas Djibouti, Monsignor Giorgio Bertin, and the director of Caritas Djibouti, Francesco Martialis.

The Spanish detachment is part of the European Union Naval Force in Somalia, which is fighting piracy in the Horn of Africa in the so-called Operation Atalanta.

Caritas Djibouti treats local people daily in its treatment room, where a volunteer doctor attends in consultation. In this way each patient can receive initial nursing care and receive the medication they need free of charge.

The ASU project is currently underway; helping the most vulnerable population such as migrants, street children, teenagers and adults with legal problems, victims of drugs and prostitution, mentally ill, girl-mothers or pregnant women who were raped.
