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The 'Victoria' conducts a joint patrol with the Japanese ship 'Harusame'

Gulf of Aden
February 13, 2020

·         The surveillance tasks of both ships show the coordination and interoperability between the European Union Naval Force and the 'Combined Maritime Forces

During a logistical stopover in the port of Salalah (Oman), the frigate 'Victoria'-European Union Naval Force in Somalia (EUNAVFOR)-, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force vessel 'Harusame' have carried out a joint anti-piracy patrol in the waters of the Gulf of Aden.

The Spanish ship, part of EU Task Force 465, and the Japanese ship, part of Task Force 151 of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), carried out this operational activity between the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) and the northern coast of Somalia.

Both ships patrolled the area with the aim of ensuring maritime safety in this area, which is heavily trafficked by merchant traffic as well as by various types of local boats, such as 'dhow' or 'skiff' boats. The operational activity involved naval and air means.

The patrol improved information exchange between forces dedicated to fight piracy and also increased knowledge of the activity pattern in the area.

The patrol, which was preceded by the joint exercises conducted in January, shows the high level of coordination and interoperability between EUNAVFOR units and CMF.

Medical assistance to a crew member

While carrying out surveillance tasks in the Gulf of Aden, the Spanish ship provided medical assistance to a crew member of a German-flagged container ship on 8 February. The crew member was provided with advanced trauma life support and analgesic treatment after suffering a fall from four metres high.

Vitoria' frigate

The frigate 'Victoria', EUNAVFOR commander flagship, Commodore José Vizinha Mirones- Portuguese Navy-, joined Operation Atalanta on 5 November 2019.
