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Orion detachment delivers humanitarian aid to Djibouti women at risk of social exclusión

December 30, 2019
  •  Spanish military personnel deliver food and basic hygiene supplies to the association Solidarité Féminine

The personnel of Detachment Orion, deployed in Djibouti within the framework of EU Operation Atalanta, delivered humanitarian aid -9,000 euros value- at the headquarters of the local Djiboutian association "Solidarité Féminine".

"Together for a better life" is the name of the micro-project that began just two months ago and that, led by the Operations Command, has managed to bring basic necessities (basic consumer goods) to one of the most disadvantaged  social groups in Djibouti.

The association "Solidarité Féminine" has been working to improve the lives of women who are HIV positive and at serious risk of social exclusión since 1995. In particular, the association provides women and their children with health care and carries out training activities to help them become self-sufficient.

The delivery was made in the presence of the secretary of the association, Saida Aboubaker, who thanked the Spanish contingent and Spanish society for the work done in favour of this vulnerable social group in this small African country.
