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El P3M del Destacamento Orión colabora en el rescate de diez buceadores

The aircraft P3M from the Orion Detachment assists the rescue of ten divers

In Djibouti
November 13, 2019

·       On its way back from an operational mission, the patrol aircraft was redirected to a rescue mission which has been successfully accomplished

The aircraft P.3M of the Air Forces deployed in Djibouti for the operation Atalanta of counter-attack against piracy has demonstrated one more time its versatility and flexibility in a complicated rescue mission, in which several French and Djiboutian naval and air forces have cooperated.

Last Monday 12th in the afternoon, after having accomplished its mission in the operation zone and on its way back to the Base of Djibouti, Orion Detachment received a call from the French forces requesting their cooperation to find ten divers who had been missing for hours close to the coast. The Spanish aircraft P3M immediately reconfigured the mission system and went to the zone. The aircraft crew found the supply vessel and then began a search pattern, which concluded with the finding of the divers after two hours.

The cooperation of units from several nations, which are based in Djibouti, is close. This operation is a proof of how the air means, which are present in the zone, contribute both to security and welfare of the population.
