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The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy visits EUFOR HQ

Bosnia and Herzegovina
November 23, 2020
  • During his visit, Josep Borrell had a short briefing with the Spanish Officers assigned to the Headquerters

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, visited Sarajevo on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Dayton Peace Treaty. During the visit, he checked out the work at the European Union Force Headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR HQ), located at 'Camp Butmir', where he was hosted by the head of the mission, General Reinhard Trischak.

Since his arrival in Sarajevo, the High Representative had expressed his wish to have a metting with the Spanish representatives in that Headquarters, and he finally met two Spanish Officers, Major Hugo José O'Donnell Armada and Major Manuel Holgado Del Águila.

The High Representative expressed his pride to be able to check out the performance of the Spaniards at the Headquarters and added that he had been conveyed the "good consideration" that all HQ representatives, and especially the Force Commander, had for the Spanish military. He also pointed out his willing "that the level of effectiveness shown by the Spaniards would be maintained in the future".
