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Submarine 'Tramontana' ends deployment in NATO’s operation 'Sea Guardian'

September 28, 2021
  • The submarine returns home after 35 days at sea

After a demanding deployment in the Mediterranean Sea, submarine 'Tramontana' has ended its participation in direct support of NATO's operation 'Sea Guardian' by entering the port of Cartagena, its home port.

The 68 crewmembers can proudly claim to have successfully completed the assignment by achieving the set targets. The first stage of the voyage included a stopover in the Italian port of Augusta for logistical reasons, afterwards the submarine resumed the assigned mission for 23 consecutive days at sea.

The fact of spending so many days on board a submarine is just another example of the professionalism, training and sacrifice of the Spanish submariners. The harsh living conditions on board and the effort involved in spending weeks underwater deserve credit to the people on board who make it possible.

The participation of the "Tramontana" in this operation has contributed to increasing control of the maritime environment and countering terrorism in Mediterranean waters. To this end, the submarine's main quality, its discretion, has been exploited, which has allowed it to carry out surveillance tasks and maintain a high level of performance throughout the patrol period.

Submarine 'Tramontana' has been in service for more than 35 years and counting, successfully performing all duties entrusted to it. Taking part in this mission shows commitment of the Submarine Service, the Navy and Spain to all NATO allies.
