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Header NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP)

Forward Land Forces (Slovakia)

Forward Land Forces (Slovakia)

NATO's military presence in the eastern part of the Alliance is a key element of its enhanced deterrence and defence posture, which has been improved in recent years to reflect the new security reality in the Euro-Atlantic area.

The forward presence of allied forces is defensive, proportionate, transparent and in line with the Alliance's international commitments and obligations. 

It represents an important commitment on the part of the Allies and is a tangible reminder that an attack on one NATO ally is an attack on all.

NATO's forward presence comprises eight multinational battlegroups, contributed by framework nations and other contributing Allies on a voluntary, fully sustainable and rotational basis.
Troops and personnel from NATO allies currently serve, train and exercise together in the east of the Alliance, representing a strong expression of unity and solidarity.
Forces from contributing countries rotate in and out of battle groups; at any given time, they can be deployed in the area of operations or stationed in their home countries, if necessary, with the ability to deploy rapidly.
A Spanish vehicle mounting an antitank missile

At the 2014 Wales Summit, the Allies agreed to implement the Readiness Action Plan (RAP) to respond rapidly to fundamental changes in the security environment, at NATO's borders and elsewhere.
Building on the RAP, the Allies adopted new decisions at the 2016 Warsaw Summit to reinforce NATO's deterrence and defence posture and to help project stability and strengthen security beyond NATO's territory.
These decisions constitute the largest increase in the Alliance's collective defence in a generation. Combined with the forces and capabilities needed for rapid reinforcement by follow-on forces, these measures will enhance the security of all Allies and ensure the protection of Alliance territory, populations, airspace and sea lines of communication, including across the Atlantic, against threats from wherever they emanate.In line with the decisions of the 2016 Warsaw Summit, four multinational battle groups were deployed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in July 2017.
The allies also increased their activity in the southeast through a tailored presence on land, sea and air to improve situational awareness, interoperability and responsiveness.In response to Russia's actions in the Black Sea region in November 2018, NATO decided to increase its presence in the region to further improve situational awareness.
The allies also stepped up their support to Georgia and Ukraine with more training and exercises for maritime forces and coast guards, as well as port visits.
Following Russia's unprovoked and unwarranted invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Allies have sent more ships, aircraft and troops to NATO territory in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, further strengthening the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture. This includes the deployment of thousands of additional troops to NATO battle groups, fighter aircraft to support NATO's air policing missions, reinforced naval forces in the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, an increase in overall troop readiness and, for the first time, the deployment of the NATO Response Force's enhanced readiness element to Romania.
At the NATO Extraordinary Summit in Brussels on 24 March 2022, Allied Heads of State and Government agreed to establish four additional multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. 
At the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid, the Allies agreed on a new NATO Force Model, which represents a further expansion of the high-readiness forces potentially available to NATO where and when needed and new measures to increase NATO's ability to reinforce Allies in the East. In addition, the Allies agreed to expand multinational Battlegroups from battalion to Brigade size. The details of the NATO Force Model, including its exact scale and composition, are still being developed.
Subsequently, at the 2023 Vilnius Summit, the Allies approved a new generation of regional defence plans, which will significantly improve the coherence of NATO's collective defence plans with Allies' national force, posture, capabilities and command and control plans. The Allies also agreed to enhance NATO's ability to reinforce its forces in the East by developing a new generation of regional defence plans:
  • more pre-positioned equipment and weapons arsenals;
  • more forward deployed capabilities, including integrated air and missile defence systems;
  • strengthened command and control; 
  • enhanced regional defence planning, with specific forces pre-assigned to the defence of specific allies.

NATO, and thus Spain as an ally, has increased its military presence in the eastern part of the Alliance as a direct consequence of Russia's behaviour, which reflects a pattern of aggressive actions against its neighbours and the wider transatlantic community.

NATO's eFP deployment map
The eight battlegroups are integrated into NATO's command structure to ensure the necessary readiness and responsiveness.
As of December 2023, these eight battlegroups are composed of the following Allies:
  • Host country: Bulgaria

Framework country: Italy

Contributing nations: Albania, Greece, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, USA 

  • Host nation: Estonia

Framework nation: United Kingdom

Contributing nations: France and Iceland 

  • Host nation: Hungary

Framework nation: Hungary

Contributing countries: Croatia, Italy, Turkey and the United States 

  • Host nation: Latvia

Framework nation: Canada

Contributing nations: Albania, Iceland, Italy, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Iceland, Italy, Montenegro and Poland 

  • Host nation: Lithuania

Framework nation: Germany

Contributing nations: Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the USA 

  • Host nation: Poland

Framework nation: United States

Contributing nations: Croatia, Romania, United Kingdom 

  • Host nation: Romania

Framework nation: France

Contributing nations: Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, and the USA 

  • Host nation: Slovakia

Framework nation: Spain

Contributing nations: Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal and Czech Republic.


The Spanish Armed Forces started on January 20, 2024 the progressive deployment of personnel and capabilities in Slovakia. Spain leads a Multinational Brigade, maintaining permanently deployed a multinational Battlegroup in the town of Lešť.

The military forces have been deployed on the ground during the first half of 2024 and contribute to the deterrence and defence capabilities required by the Alliance.

From 01 July 2024, the Spanish Armed Forces take command of the Alliance's Multinational Battlegroup in this eastern flank country, taking over from the Czech Republic.

Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal and Czech Republic join this effort, which, under the Spanish leadership, complete the deterrence and defence capabilities of the Battlegroup.

The Spanish contribution to this multinational brigade translates into the presence on Slovakian territory of nearly 800 military personnel and more than 200 vehicles of different types. This is the largest international deployment of the Armed Forces to date.

Our country provides this mission of the Atlantic Alliance with military forces and capabilities as part of the commitments acquired with the International Security and Defense Organizations.

Spain is a responsible partner and ally, committed to NATO's defense objectives. This deployment of forces in support and reinforcement of NATO's eastern flank forward presence demonstrates the firm commitment of Spain and its Armed Forces to our allies and Spain's decisive contribution to the Alliance's deterrence efforts in Eastern Europe.


  • Dec 06th. TOA of the third Corps Forward Element contingent (CFE III). in kuchiña.
  • Nov 11th. Slovakia's Multinational Battle Group (MN BG SVK) receives NATO certification in the CERTEX 24-I exercise.
  • July 11th. The Spanish contingent takes command of the mission in Slovakia.
  • May 2nd. The CHOD accompanied the Minister of Defense on her visit to Slovakia.
  • January 20th. Deployment of personnel and capabilities of the multinational Battlegroup that will lead Spain from the second half of the year begins.  



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