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Spanish military personnel continue to improve the living conditions of the population in southern Lebanon through various civil-military activities

February 7, 2023
  • Spanish military personnel continue to improve the living conditions of the population in southern Lebanon through various civil-military activities

The Spanish Brigade in Lebanon continues to carry out civil-military cooperation actions (CIMIC) in the south of the country. The CIMIC unit and the Veterinary Service of the Spanish contingent went to the Hasbayya Public Hospital to carry out a review of pest control, which had been carried out in that hospital in December.

On the same day, the CIMIC unit of the Spanish contingent also delivered a donation of medical and pharmaceutical material to the Meiss ej Jebel Social Development Centre. The donated material came from Spanish medical and pharmaceutical centres such as the "La Inmaculada" Public Hospital in Huercal-Overa, the "San Cecilio" University Clinical Hospital in Granada, the Lasso Pharmacy in Granada and the Blood Transfusion Centre in Almeria.

The handover ceremony was attended by the head of the CIMIC unit of UNIFIL Sector East, Captain Manuel Lareo Matito, accompanied by the director of the Social Centre, Insaf Mustafa, and the mayor of Meiss ej Jebel, Abu Ali Chkeir.

The director of the Social Centre thanked in her speech the help received from the Spanish contingent, which has been very important due to the crisis in which the country finds itself and which she hoped would continue in the future.

Medical assistance has also been carried out in the health centre of Deir Mimess, by the Serbian medical team, belonging to the Spanish contingent, in which six women, three children and eight men were treated.

The local population was very grateful for this activity and the director of the Shikri Hourani Centre, in addition to expressing his appreciation, requested that such support continue in the future.

The Chebaa water supply improvement project was also inaugurated in a ceremony presided over by Lieutenant Colonel Luis Rivero Camacho, accompanied by the mayor of Chebaa, Mohamad Ahmad Saab, and the national deputy, Qassem Hassem. This is a project financed by Spain and provides material for the installation of solar panels, which feed energy to the generator of the water pump to provide continuity of supply.

With this type of activity, which improves the living conditions of the population, especially in terms of basic services such as water and medical and veterinary care, Spain confirms its commitment to support the Lebanese people and society, promoting their development and improving the welfare of the population, with the ultimate aim of contributing to peace and stability in Lebanon.
