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Spanish Brigade in Lebanon organises a women's soccer game

Qlaiaa, Lebanon
January 2, 2023
  • The match was played between a military personnel team from the East Sector and the Lebanese National Mini-Soccer Team

The Spanish military of the Multinational Brigade of UNIFIL East Sector organised a women's soccer match between members of the UN international contingent and local women- 

The East Sector team consisted of Spaniards, Indonesians, and Nepalese. The Lebanese and Asian Soccer Union selected the local women's team and the match was played at the Qlaiaa community field.

Before the match started, a donation of sports equipment was made to the team and the community. The game was attended by Lebanese civilian authorities such as the Mujtar of Qlaiaa, Joseph Salame and Ahmad Danas, president of the Lebanese and Asian Soccer Union. On behalf of UNIFIL, the Head of the Multinational Brigade of the East Sector, General Melchor Marin and Lieutenant Colonel Miguel Angel Perez Franco, head of the Spanish battalion, attended the match.

In their speeches, Lebanese authorities thanked UNIFIL, asked to maintain the good relationship established and expressed their condolences for the Irish soldier killed.

After the donation, the game began and was cheered by locals, the Spanish Battalion War Band, and the peacekeeping forces.

The score was of 3-6 in favour of the Lebanese team, although the final score was not the relevant aspect since the game was played in a good atmosphere of competitiveness and fair play. The promotion of this type of activity, which interacts directly with the civilian population, is highly welcomed by the Lebanese and verifies Spain’s commitment to improve Lebanon’s stability and peacekeeping in the South of Lebanon. 
