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The Spanish Brigade in Lebanon inaugurates a solar panel project for street lamps in Ebel el Saqi.

En Líbano
November 23, 2022
  • The project is inaugurated to coincide with the handover and puts an end to the CIMIC actions of the XXXVII Brigade

The head of the UNIFIL Eastern Sector, General Ignacio Olazábal Elorz, accompanied by the Mayor of Ebel El Saqi, Smih Yousssef Al-Bekai, presided over the inauguration ceremony of the project to supply solar panels to 125 street lights financed by the Kingdom of Spain. In addition, the ceremony was attended by General Melchor Marin Elvira, who will soon take over as Head of the sector, and a number of civil and religious authorities on behalf of the municipality.

This project gives continuity to other previous Spanish projects, allowing the optimisation of investments and reaffirming the commitment of UNIFIL and the Spanish contingent to the Lebanese people. In this project, solar panels have been supplied for 125 street lights, which will have a very positive impact on the life and development of the population of Ebel El Saqi, providing a solution to the basic need for lighting and street lighting in the town.

General Olazábal stressed that this project offers "a clean, low-cost, low-maintenance and permanent solution that has a direct impact on the well-being and security of the population. For his part, Youssef thanked the Spanish contingent for their appreciated help, which over the years has left an indelible mark on the inhabitants of this village. He also stressed his appreciation "for the effort, sacrifice and contribution to peace and stability in Lebanon of the Spanish military and to the Spanish people for their support for southern Lebanon, which they will never forget".

Finally, General Olazábal reiterated that "Spain is deeply committed to Lebanon" and that "we will continue to be here and we will continue to support them in everything they need and everything we can do; our commitment is permanent and clear".
