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Brigade 'Guadarrama' XII takes over the command of UNIFIL's Sector East

December 10, 2020
  • The Spanish contingent carries out its task within UNIFIL observing all health protocols issued by United Nations against the COVID-19 pandemic

The incoming contingent belonging to the XXXIV Lebanon Brigade (BRILIB in Spanish), made up from Brigade “Guadarrama” XII as core unit, took over the command of UNIFIL's Sector East on Wednesday the 9th; fulfilling Spain's commitment to United Nations (UN).

During the transfer of authority ceremony (TOA) at the Miguel de Cervantes Base in Marjayoun, the attendees obrserved all the preventive measures issued by United Nations against the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to avoid infections among the military personnel and guests.

The event was chaired by UNIFIL's Force Commander, Italian Major General Stefano del Col. Among the attendees there were several Lebanese civil and military authorities of that area. Another countries (Indonesia, India and Nepal) that make up the Eastern Sector Brigade along with Spain, also contributed with troops to the military parade.

During the TOA ceremony, two explosives detection dogs belonging to the outgoing contingent were awarded with the UNIFIL medal, in order to acknowledge their work, providing security to the Spanish contingent.

The main purpose of the Spanish troops in the area is to monitor the cesation of hostilities and prevent or defuse any violent situation that may occur along the line between Lebanon and Israel, the so-called 'Blue Line', as well as to support the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) to perform effective control over the southern part of its territory to prevent it being used for hostile acts of any kind.

The Brigade 'Guadarrama' XII is the Spanish military unit that has deployed the most in Lebanon since 2006, when Spain began its participation in UNIFIL.
