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Spain has contributed with more than 8,300 military personnel to the EUTM-Mali mission since 2013

In Bamako, Mali
May 14, 2024
  • Men and women from the Armed Forces have worked in the EUTM Mali (European Union Training Mission in Mali) operation for the last 11 years, during which time Spain has had four generals in command of the mission to train more than 20,000 Malian military personnel

Men and women from the Armed Forces have worked in the EUTM Mali (European Union Training Mission in Mali) operation for the last 11 years, during which time Spain has had four generals in command of the mission to train more than 20,000 Malian military personnel.

The mission of the Spanish Armed Forces in EUTM Mali (European Union Training Mission in Mali) was authorised on 30 January 2013 by the plenary of the Congress of Deputies with a maximum of 50 military personnel initially. Since then, Spain has contributed with more than 8,300 military personnel, with four Spanish generals in command over the last 11 years, in which more than 20,000 members of the Malian Armed Forces have been trained, and 110 Quick Impact Projects and 80 donations have been carried out.

Following the chronology, on 1 April 2013, the first Spanish forces were deployed for the EUTM-Mali operation. On 18 June 2013, the Defence Committee authorised an increase of the contingent to 110 military personnel, as well as the necessary support elements. On 24 January 2018, Congress approved an increase in troop strength to a maximum of 280, in order to assume control of the mission, under the operational control of the Operations Command.

Most of the Spanish troops were deployed in the town of Koulikoro, northeast of Bamako. This is where they trained the Malian soldiers who, once they had completed their first period of training and instruction, were sent to the north of the country to confront the jihadist groups that were still operating relatively freely in the area.

At the end of May 2023, the Koulikoro Base was closed, leaving the mission's efforts concentrated in the city of Bamako. It is worth highlighting the magnificent relationship that the various Spanish contingents maintained with Malian civil society during those ten years, as evidenced by the extraordinary farewell that the Malians gave to the Spanish military when the Koulikoro Base was closed.

Spain is currently participating with approximately 130 troops out of a total of some 160, and we are the country with the largest contribution of personnel. Both the general in charge of EUTM-Mali, Brigadier General Santiago Juan Fernández Ortiz-Repiso, and the main positions of his Staff and the Executive Officer are Spanish. The entire Protection Force, which provides security for the HQ, is also made up of Spanish military personnel.

This contribution demonstrates Spain's strong and ongoing commitment to the peace, security and stability of Malian society and the region.


In order to achieve the objectives set, the mission, throughout this time, has based its work on four fundamental pillars:

-  training of Mali's military units

-  advising the Malian Armed Forces at all levels

-  contributing to the improvement of the Military Education System, from schools to ministerial level

-  advising and training the G5 Sahel Joint Force Headquarters (HQ)

It is also worth highlighting the important Spanish Civil-Military Cooperation work that has been carried out, since more than 110 Quick Impact Projects have been implemented for the benefit of the local population, with an economic investment of more than 1.5 million euros, financed by the Ministry of Defence.

These Quick Impact Projects have focused on supporting children's educational development, empowering the future of Malian women, providing access to clean water and improving health services.

In addition, more than 80 donations made by Spanish donors have been managed and delivered, including the distribution of basic items such as clothing, non-perishable foodstuffs and sanitary and hygienic material.

In 2018, on May 18, Private Antonio Carrero Jiménez, a Marine Infantryman, lost his life in a traffic accident. The accident occurred when the vehicle in which he was traveling as part of a convoy went off the road near Somadougou, Mali.

EUTM MALI Mandates

EUTM-Mali's first mandate was approved by Council Decision 2013/34/CFSP of 17 January 2013. Article 1 defined the mission, whose main lines of action were to provide, in southern Mali, military advice and training to the Malian Armed Forces with the aim of contributing to the restoration of their military capability. The objective was to enable the Malian military to conduct operations aimed at restoring Mali's territorial integrity and reducing the threat posed by terrorist groups. EUTM-Mali had no mandate to engage in combat operations.

Since April 2014, the mission's mandates have been extended, and in 2016 the scope of responsibility was expanded and support began to be provided to the G5 Sahel, within the framework of activities with the Malian Armed Forces, improving its interoperability with the rest of the armies that made up the G5 Sahel Joint Force.
