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Spain takes over EUTM Mali Mission

Bamako, Mali
December 16, 2022
  • Spanish Brigadier General Santiago Fernández Ortiz-Repiso took over from Czech Brigadier General Radek Hasala

Act of transfer of authority of the EUTM-MALI Mission between General Radek Hasala of the Czech Republic and Spanish Brigadier General Ortiz-Repiso in Bamako.

French Vice-Admiral Hervé Bléjean, Director of the European Union Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) in Brussels, presided over the ceremony, which was also attended by General Oumar Diarra, Chief of the General Staff of the Malian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Francisco Braco, Commander of the Operations Command, and Lieutenant General Kopecky, Head of the Czech Republic Operations Command.

The ceremony began with a ceremony to honour the fallen and continued with speeches by Vice Admiral Bléjean and Generals Hasala and Fernández Ortiz-Repiso, as well as the awarding of the European Security and Defence Policy service medal to the outgoing commander for his merits during the mission.

General Hasala stressed that his main objective has been to ensure the continuity of the European Union's support to the Malian people, thus contributing to the stability and prosperity of the country.

General Fernández Ortiz-Repiso stated that it is essential to remain in the mission with dynamism, initiative, resilience and determination. He reiterated his entire predisposition, and that of all the members of the mission, to be at the disposal of the mission. He concluded by thanking General Radek Hasala for his commitment towards this EU mission and for the excellent handover.

Spain has been participating in EUTM MALI since 2013 and aims to remain in the mission in order to contribute to the stability of the entire country. Spain will lead this European mission throughout 2023.
